I wrote this back in December of last year. As I was deciding what to post for today, the title spoke to me because we are once again in a heavy period of birthing this new value/financial system on the Earth…especially by way of the energies of the recent New Moon in Virgo.
I hope you are all well, and doing your best to look after yourselves at this time…as much as your own schedules allow for.
Sending you all much love as we stand on the cusp of a new dawn. Thanks to for insipring this throwback series.

This week has been a little on the weird side.
The attacks and activations have been chipping away at any narratives we’re still holding onto that put us out of alignment with our true devine value. As we recognise and combat these old false narratives about who we had to be in the previous world in order to survive, fit in, and be accepted, we are being re-introduced to forgotten parts of ourselves.
Your dreams this week may have been vivid and intense…even if you didn’t fully remember them upon waking. It seems we are doing a lot of clearing and re-activating through the dream space presently.
For the past couple of days, the messages that have been streaming in for me have been about mastering the power of our feminine energy, as a new value system is ready to be born through us. Dream and sleep seem to be the portals that are ushering us forward, for as long as we allow them to.
Rest and sleep are the domains of the Devine Mother. She knows that if we are to produce a strong harvest, we must till the soil, plant the seeds, and then allow for the land to rest as germination takes its course in the cold, dark, and secret womb space that is the Earth.
“The matrix” didn’t give a fuck about rest, vitality, or true power. Its systems were designed to get as much out of a person, or a place, as it could in a short period of time before casting them aside as waste and refuse. When a person, or a piece of land, was no longer producing at a level that satisfied its lust for greed and conquest, it discarded it.
The very templates of “the matrix” were rooted in narcissistic disregard for life, value, beauty, and cycles. Its “value” systems were not based on the integral worth of life, but how much life force could be extracted before moving onto the next target.
As we purge these templates from our own consciousness, and all the ways we were unconsciously programmed to hate and abuse ourselves, one another, and the Earth, a new way of thinking, feeling, and being wants to arise in its place.
You may feel like you are engaging in petty battles with yourself as these energies leave. The war is over - these are seriously just petty battles. They are internal struggles that are born of old conditioning and programming where you still may feel guilty or ashamed for just being.
Even if guilt and shame are strong words for what you’re going through, there is still a remnant of these old ways of thinking and feeling that make you want to believe that you are on the worng path, or even indulging as opposed to healing.
It is difficult to come to terms with just being, in a world where we were always made to feel less than if we weren’t “achieving,” or in the hot pursuit of another milestone, quaification, or goal that would solidify our matrix worth….until it didn’t, that is.
The truth is….we are not what we do, what we know, or what we accumulate. Intrinsically, we are value. Not valuable. Value.
There is nothing material that can add to that or take it away.
We deserve rest and recuperation not because we have “earned” it by working hard. We deserve it simply because we do. Simply because we are not commodities, but living and breathing beings whose work extends far beyond some corporation’s market share and bottom line.
We are learning how to truly look after ourselves again in accordance with our true devine worth, as opposed to just maintaing in order to produce and be consumed. As we do this, we are recovering all the value we lost pouring our life force into people, groups, systems, institutions, and companies that never gave a fuck about our devine right to thrive.
As we renegotiate our value and worth through how we interact with self, and the exchanges we participate in with others, we are building a new internal value system. This internal value system is creating a foundation for a new collective reality where a being’s worth is not measured by what they do and their ability to produce, but their intrinsic devine value as demonstrated in how they treat self, others, and the Earth.
The New Earth Financial System is being birthed through us right now. When we recognise our need to rest, play, and just be, we are changing the financial landscape. When we innerstand and overstand that sleep and rest are portals that are more integral for true progress than “grind culture” ever could be….we are establishing a new collective value system.
When we choose to tune back into our own intution and follow the unique blueprint for our own soul’s joureny, we are bringing a livel of value to the Earth that no stock or bond could ever equate to.
So, keep on resting, keep on playing, keep on creating, and keep on basking in the beauty of simply being.
You are bringing back true value into our world as you first esteem yourself.