As we wrap up the final day of January, the collective energies have felt a little heavy at times. The most recent full moon opened us all up to opportunities to confront and heal heart wounds that have contributed to previous cycles of disappointment.
Today has been a day of feeling some of this, while also indulging in more playful energies as an antidote.
The Sun is in Aquarius at the master degree of 11, while the Moon is in Libra. A balancing is occurring, as we learn how to relinquish the pain of former rejections and embrace the beauty of our own humanity, and that of others.
As we head into a new month, it feels like areas where we were feeling stagnant are getting ready to shift. There is a point of ripeness and saturation that has been reached, and now “something has to give.”
These are the messages coming through on “WORD FOR YOUR DAY.”
Please find a picture of today’s spread below:

I love you! May whatever has ailed your heart reveal its true medicine. May it free you higher into a joy that is made all the more sweet, by the pain you’ve bravely alchemised.