A lot of primordial feminine wisdom is returning to our planet. We are further breaching our divide with the Devine Mother and Her principles. As such, many are clearing deep root energies that are a result of matrilineal wounds that have been passed on from generation to generation, and are stored in our cells and fluids.
This means that the clearings may have been very intense on our emotional bodies, and certain triggers can also awaken deep traumas connected to stories that predate this incarnation.
A lot of nurturing of self and the inner child is important…if this is your experience. Also, do not be afraid to seek whatever support you need to feel safe in your own vessel as we continue through these transitions.
Know that this is big work you’re doing for yourself and the planet. We are clearing the fear frequencies upon which the matrix was built and sustained. The processes may be deeply internal, but they have a grand effect on the grid systems that support our Earth.
These are some of the messages coming through on today’s “WORD FOR YOUR DAY.” Please see the card spread below.