There is so much wisdom to be gleaned by way of conversing with some of our most ancient ancestors - plants.
I hope you enjoy today’s THROWBACK THURSDAY “Pick-A-Herb” spread, and that it opens your heart further into receiving communication from the spirit of plants. Asé
Take a moment to center yourself by closing your eyes and connecting with your breath. Now, draw your attention to the images below, and choose whichever picture is speaking to you.
Oftentimes, the one we choose without careful thought and deliberation, is the one we intuitively know has medicine to offer us…
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If you chose cinnamon, you may be struggling to speak your truth or properly tune into the power of your voice as a means of self-expression. You are being called deeper into living in ways that are authentic, but you may feel at times like you lack the support to reach the zenith of your proverbial mountaintop.
You may even be feeling the pressures of societal resistance, or a pushing back against your truth in your own personal and social circles. Keep going. The road to living in the fullness of your beauty and power, must get lonely at times in order for you to return to your true home and place of utter accceptance….which is within your self.
You might also be in an energy of not seeing yourself accurately, and therefore succumbing to old insecurities that are abeing amplified by external voices or circumstances. You are being called to break through mindsets rooted in fear and lack. These energies are the true imposters trying to tie you into their syndrome.
Cinnamon is a versatile spice that energeticaly is utilised for purification, protection, love, lust, money, clairvoyance, and re-igniting passion.
For some of you, you may be in a relationship where you feel it is impossible for you to express yourself in truth, or there is some kind of barrier in how your communication is being received and perceived.
For some, you have past relationships that have caused you to doubt your ability to articulate yourself effectively in your interpersonal relationships and work. Either way, it is time to no longer fear your voice.
If you chose cinnamon, you are being shown that the energy you find yourself wading through can be purposely and purposefully altered.
It is time to purify your mind and emotional body of the words of disempowerment that have been spoken over you. These words can only continue to hold truth in your life if you believe in them. You are being asked to redirect that energy towards self-belief. In doing so, you will put to death the lies that have constructed and maintained false narratives that cause discomfort to your soul…because they are not truly you.
Make a list of all the lies that belittle you and that you struggle to break free from. Then, go in and write the opposite and begin to sow new words of life and truth into your being.
If you've been told that you are "useless" then begin to declare over yourself how vital and important you are in the world at this time….because you are. Write it or post it on your bathroom mirror, so that you are constantly reminded of your value, and the truth of who you are and have always been.
Cinnamon sticks are often hung on doors for protection. It is time to step into the role of self-protector. Evict all energies that have trespassed your reality, and stand guard against mental and emotional intrusions that desire to keep you trapped.
DECKS: "Chakra Wisdom Oracle" by Tori Hartman; “Sacred Traveler’s Oracle” By Denise Linn
If you chose the Motherwort, you may be feeling blocked about actualising the greatness that you know and you feel at the core of your being.
As I was shuffling for you, "Girl On Fire" by Alicia Keys began to play in my mind, specifically the lyric: "looks like a girl, but she's a flame." I'm picking up strongly that you are fully aware of your magic and power, but you have not yet become comfortable in how to wield it. You may feel stuck as you strive to transition from a place of the ordinary into the extra-ordinary.
You should know that you are protected through this transitioning and rebirth process. You may be afraid to take a step because you fear doing the “wrong” thing. When you are following your own intuitve guidance through the wisdom of your own heart, you cannot go wrong.
Even if the choice you make doens’t turn out to be what you thought it was, you are protected…because you have chosen to be true to yourself and your own path.
The more we trust and follow our own intuition, the more we gain devine protection in our choices. The more we doubt and make decisions that are fear based, or put more trust in external voices and energies than our own internal wisdom, the more we leave ourselves open to learning lessons karmically….or by way of suffering.
It really is as simple as that. There is no punitive judge that stands waiting for us to fuck up so we can be punished. Our own suffering is activated any time we move out of the bounds of our own truth and internal guidance…..anytime we incite war in self by choosing to deny our own voice.
Motherwort is a beautiful herb for tapping into our divine feminine essence - men and women alike.
It can help us deal with the woundings we have from our maternal relationships, as well as the deep emotional blockages that keep us from accepting, and therefore owning and acting, upon the greatness we have yet to fully unlock from within.
The gift of following and trusting our own intuition, is something our mothers are supposed to impart. This may be one of the greatest mother wounds that we must learn to transmute - learning to trust ourselves with our own paths and purposes.
Motherwort is a herb synonymous with feminine rites of passage, and if you chose Her, you are teetering on the edge of a breakthrough. This is exactly why you may be feeling stuck. Know that Motherwort is also a maternal protector, and She wants you to know that you are safe in your own hands. Nobody knows how to look after you better than you.
The only way out of your stagnation is to do what you know needs to be done, but that you fear doing.
Some of you may be harbouring some resentment or bitterness because you feel like life or other people are blocking your path. This is very true in feeling, but not entirely accurate in fact. When we believe this, we give forces outside of ourselves the power to master our destinies.
You are being called to rise into masterdom over your soul's journey, and this is exactly why you have been put in this place of discomfort - where on one hand you're fully cognizant of your abilities, but on the other hand you don't feel 100% confident enough yet to take a leap.
Trust that this is part of the process, and when it's time for you to do what you know you need to do, you will jump.
Know that this is a time of preparation, and not the "be all" and "end" all of your existence. Trust yourself. Nobody knows how to look after you better than you.
DECKS: "Chakra Wisdom Oracle" by Tori Hartman; “Sacred Traveler’s Oracle” By Denise Linn
What you pay attention to will grow. The best way to make room for anything you want in life, whether it is love, money, or a material object is to change your mindset from that of scarcity to abundance.
The best way to vibrate in this frequency is by turning the focus back on what you do have already in abundance….and that you’re happy about, and grateful for.
In the matrix, we were taught to beat ourselves up, and then “grind” harder to get what we had not “made ourselves worthy” of yet receiving. We were taught to use other people’s successes and goalposts as a comparative measure to beat ourselves aboutwhere we should be….instead of just being inspired.
These were all programs designed to take us away from the abundance within, so we would focus on poor external imitations, that were little more than materialism born of wounded ego.
Here’s the thing….you ARE worthy. You ARE abundance. You ARE of worth already. And you are all these things simply for being you. So, when you learn to celebrate these beautiful aspects of self, you are actually increasing your own vibrancy and abundant nature….and this is what calls in more of this experience.
What you pay attention to will grow. If you focus on what you don’t have, you create more instances of not having. When you turn your attention towards all that you already are, and you find ways to magnify this intrinsic beauty and the feeling, experience, and truth of tit….you open the door to bring in more that will match this energy.
Vanilla Bean is a spice traditionally used in love and sex magick for its aphrodisiac and magnetic qualities, but it can also serve to boost our passion and creativity outside of the bedroom.
It is a spice with Venusian qualities, and as such, it wants you to indulge in what makes your life feel beautiful. It wants you to find the beauty in everything and everyone, and then magnify that feeling in yourself to draw even more beauty into your reality.
If you chose Vanilla, you are being shown that the secret to conscious creation of real abundance comes by way of taking pleasure in the now.
Are you waiting until you reach a certain goal, or attain a certain thing, before you allow yourself pleasure and “reward?” This rigidness may be slowing down the magnetism of the exact thing you desire to attract.
Energy is alive, and it is ever growing and showing us what we arecreating with our own attention and consciousness.
Do you look at others and what they have, and begrudge them of what they've worked for? Or do you take the time to celebrate them in the way you desire to be celebrated?
Are you miserly with your time, energy, gifts, and compliments? What we hold back from others, we only keep from self. What we deny others in expressions of gratitude, compliments, and appreciation…..we’re only truly denying from self.
When we switch our mindsets and attitudes to celebrating ourselves, life, and those worthy of our praise, it isl also returned.
If you chose the Vanilla, you are being challenged to be lusty with yourself and your views surrounding giving - firstly, to self.
Open yourself to receive, and believe that you are worthy of the best. Whatever someone else has that you desire is being shown to you to help you align with that energy….because it is already speaking to you through them. Appreciation of this fact is what then brings that desire into actualisation.
Celebration builds the energy of abundance and opens its doors wide for you to have more to celebrate about. Begrudging energies build upon more scarcity, and opens doors to receiving more of that.
Choose wisely what you desire to come forth into your reality. Choose to be in celebration of all that you are!
DECKS: "Chakra Wisdom Oracle" by Tori Hartman; “Sacred Traveler’s Oracle” By Denise Linn