I hope you enjoy today’s ”Throwback Thursday“ piece. It is a timeless “pick-a-crystal” reading. May you find the guidance you need through your own intuition and my words.

Much love!

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Close your eyes and regulate your breathing. Now pick the crystal that you are feeling most drawn to. Don’t overthink it - the first one that speaks to you is usually the one you are being intuitively guided to.

Now, scroll below to find the reading that matches your crystal choice.



Rose Quartz is most well known as being a love or Heart Chakra stone. It can help us to clear away the energies that keep us from loving self and receiving love from others. Rose Quartz is tied to the energy of Venus, and so represents Libran and Taurean energy.

The egg shape is a beautiful symbol of birth and new beginnings. If you picked this crystal , you are in the process of birthing new endeavours - The Empress flew out as your first card to confirm this.

You may have had to do some deep self work recently around forgiving yourself for all the ways you've allowed yourself to be used or cheated in intimate relationships. As you forgive yourself for not knowing your worth, you are able to forgive others for taking advantage of your openness and vulnerability. Facing yourself and your fears head on have opened you up to a wealth of dormant creativity and personal ingenuity.

You are being guided to continue to search your soul and do the inner work of slaying your demons one by one. Some of you are at work on dream projects, and as you confront your deepest and darkest insecurities surrounding your own success, you open new doors of advancement for yourself emotionally that will also ripple out into your material reality.

Unfortunately, a begrudging energy is on the outskirts of this reading. There are people around watching you and not truly wanting to see you fly. They like the narrative that you have allowed to persist for too long of being in a constant struggle - it feeds their egos to feel "above you."

However, you should know that those triggers are there to help you see the places within where you still question your own value. Once you get past this hurdle, you'll realise that it is only you who has placed the barriers up against your progress, because of how you once felt about yourself and your value.

You are being admonished to continue to focus on yourself and not other people's projections at this time. Guard your heart and your dreams, and don't give your value away to anyone unwilling to pay you, in the form of respect...specifically.

Both The Empress and The Moon came out in your spread - the Divine Feminine energies of the Major Arcana. You are being guided to be open to receive the love that does want to come your way on the other side of all of this - a love that won't exploit your fears, downplay your value, or stymie your creative process.

As you continue to do the self-work of dismantling your shadows, you open yourself up to receive the most divine of loves - love for the God in self. This then positions you to receive the cascade effect of the love that wants to celebrate you and the immense value you encompass.

NOTABLE SIGNS: Virgo, Libra, Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer

DECKS: "Chakra Wisdom Oracle" by Tori Hartman; "The Light Seer's Tarot" by Chris Anne


Pyrite is a stone of Leo, and is said to be an "all Chakra" crystal. Personally, I like to use Pyrite for Solar Plexus work, as I believe it helps us to tap into our true power, magic, and value by restoring our lost confidence and autonomy. In this way, it is also a wonderful stone for allowing the inner child to shine.

It is a crystal that helps us to assert ourselves, but with balance. If you chose the Pyrite, you may be in the process of beginning a new venture or journey - whether by choice or by circumstance.

You may be feeling a little befuddled about how exactly to move forward. There are many possibilities and options as to how you can progress at this point, and you are being guided to know that the prettiest or easiest choice is not the one that is likely to bring you long term satisfaction - remember that "all that glitters isn't gold." Kind of like Pyrite...which is also affectionately known as "fool's gold."

There are no shortcuts to long term value. Whatever you invest your energy in - helpful or unhelpful - will yield a harvest, so choose right now to invest yourself, your energy, and your money wisely. You are sitting in a position where everything and anything is possible for you, even if it doesn't feel this way.

The Magician card is your overall energy, and so you are being guided to know that you have everything you need to move forward and create the reality you desire. You have the passion, the drive, the skills, and all the inner resources needed to bring value to your life...not to mention, the backing of the universe.

You may be battling with lack of confidence and self-belief - like I said, some of you have found yourselves in this place of endings and new beginnings unexpectedly because of life circumstances. You may be wading through unchartered territory, and it probably feels daunting and scary..

However, this was not a surprise to the universe, and there is no such thing as an accident on the path to our true destinies - just detours and re-routing. When we feel the most lost is when we are the most ripe for transformation, and tapping into abilities we would have never known existed had we not been backed into a proverbial corner.

Necessity is sometimes the mother of all they say.

As you decide to move forward boldly into your future, you are being advised to purify yourself of the things from your past which no longer fit the future you are now creating for yourself.

Declutter your environment of people, habits, and mindsets that are not contributing to your growth and progression. Accept that some things have to die in order to make way for the new you desire in your reality.

Most importantly, believe in yourself and your magic. We are often so quick to put our faith in others, and you are being asked to apply this same energy to self.

One day you will look back at this time, and not even recognise the person you were before you received your wings. You've been a caterpillar for too long. It's time to get ready to fly.

NOTABLE SIGNS: Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Taurus

DECKS: "Sacred Traveller Oracle Cards" by Denise Linn; "The Afro Goddess Tarot Arcanas" by Andrea Furtick


Lapis Lazuli is an ancient and highly mystical healing crystal that is wonderful for use in meditative and dream work surrounding past lives and personal power. It is a stone of Libra and Sagittarius, and aligns itself with the energies of the upper chakras - Throat, Third Eye and Crown.

If you picked the Lapis, you have been in quite an intense time of awakening, and you may presently be going through a "dark night of the soul."

Many of us are going through this hardship presently in varying degrees, but whoever this reading is for, it feels like you have been totally stripped and gutted in this time. You are being guided to surrender.

There are parts of you that are still fighting this process; parts of you that still want to hold on to your old beliefs, and habits. This only makes things harder. Let go. You are too magical to continue being the person you once were. Let go. You are being called to take another leap towards yourself, and to stop battling your own evolution.

Embrace this cycle -surrender and acceptance is the only real way out. You are being called to take extra special care of yourself during this process - self-care and nurturance is key.

Use this time to explore the depths of your soul and remember who it is you truly are and have always been. Your ancestry and lineage hold a deep magic that may have been silenced for a time, and you are being called to rekindle it.

All the answers right now are to be found within - allow your intuition to sharpen by trusting and exercising it. You are being guided into understanding the power you hold - not only from this life, but lifetimes before.

You have no idea how magical you are, because you keep fighting against this reality by doubting yourself and leaning too heavily on logic. Mirror work, sacred bathing, and meditation may be good practices for you to look into.

For a few of you, you may be bound by some addictive behaviours - I am getting alcohol specifically, but food has also come up. Ask yourself what it is you are needing emotionally, if this is you.

YOU are the holder of all the pleasures and answers you seek. Stop running from your heart and your calling. Some of these addictions are hereditary blocks trying to stop ancestral greatness from being reborn.

Like I said before, whoever this reading is for is a keeper of old ancestral knowledge that you have yet to even access. Your journey is so difficult because your magic is so big.

This time will not last forever, and it is ultimately leading you to the emotional satisfaction your soul has been crying out for...for a long time. As you surrender, you give room for your true giftings and talents to activate and rise.

On the other side of all of this is such sweetness. It's time to surrender. It's time to embrace the journey. It is time for you to rise up.

NOTABLE SIGNS: Pisces, Aries, Sagittarius, Libra, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo

DECKS: "Angels and Ancestors Oracle" by Kyle Gray; "The Starseed Oracle" by Rebecca Campbell; "NEO Tarot" by Jericho Mandybur


If you chose White Howlite, you may be in your head and worried about something. White Howlite is a stone of Gemini that is also connected with the Crown Chakra, and is a crystal best utilised for calming anxiety.

It is also said to stengthen the bones and teeth, which hold and give structure to the body and head respectively. This is showing me that there is a lack of balance in your physical reality that may be causing a sense of discomfort and anxiety. For many of you this is tied to creative and/or financial pursuits.

You may be struggling to trust your own intuition and guidance when it comes to making solid choices about how you move forward into this next phase or cycle of your journey. For many, you have walked away from situations in various avenues of your life that were no longer nurturing your soul, and you have sought a higher purpose and calling in how you live and work.

This may have caused you to feel cut off and isolated at times, and you may be feeling quite protective of yourself right now as this transition is bringing up some fears and vulnerability.

You are being guided to know that you are in the process of birthing a new path for yourself that will not only bring healing to you, but also for others. Tap into your creativity when it comes to all your dealings, and trust the messages you are receiving.

You may be feeling discombobulated as you forge a higher connection with your akasha and devine blueprint. If this is the case, sleeping with Howlite may help to put you in a better state to receive downloads in dream state.

Go with your gut, and follow where your heart is leading you. As you step out in faith, more answers and direction will be made known to you.

Trust that even in the midst of second guessing yourself, that you ultimately hold the keys to the entire blueprint of your life. You are more than capable of making decisions that nourish and honour the truth of who you are, but you must believe this for yourself.

Don't hide away from your greatness, and don't you dare keep your unique giftings from the world. You are in an energy that is so conducive for creating a whole brand new and beautiful reality for yourself. Do NOT succumb to fear or the negative voices in your head.

Gentle movement and stretching - especially that which helps to release trapped emotions - may also be of especial use to you at this time. Connecting with herbs by making your own tea blends, and even looking into gem elixir creation may also be of assistance to you in this shift.

Innerstand and overstand that discombobulation and imbalance can sometime denote an energy surplus that is looking for a way to flow more steadily into your existence. Fear of the change creates resistance, pain, and lower emotional experiences.

Embracing the influx and finding ways to allow the free flow of the heightened energy is the best way to travel through these shifts with a sense of peace.

NOTABLE SIGNS: Libra, Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

DECKS: "The Muse Tarot" by Chris Anne; "Moonology Orable by Yasmin Boland