"THROWBACK THURSDAY": New Moon In Pisces Edition

"THROWBACK THURSDAY": New Moon In Pisces Edition

Good evening beautiful souls, and a very Happy New Moon in Pisces to you all.

I am throwing back to my write up for last year's New Moon in Pisces from my Substsack collaboration with Demi Pietchell of The Starfire Codes. I have updated it to reflect the current degrees and themes, and I hope you find nuggets of wisdom here to help you navigate the current energies too.

Please make sure you are looking after yourself diligently at this time and getting adequate rest. This energy window is taxing, and Piscean energy gives us answers as we dream, rest, meditate, and choose to be in receiving mode.

Sending you all love and gratitude. Don't forget to take adavantge of my special on "DEVINE ALIGNMENT" readings if you've been meaning to as the offer is closing in a few days.
Here is the link:

Happy dreaming and creating!

Since last month’s New Moon in Aquarius, the Virgo and Sixth House energy have been coming in strongly, as we were being assisted in letting go of mindsets, patterns, and behaviours that don’t truly support our energetic wealth.

These are often traditions and programs that we have inherited genetically, familially, socially, and systemically. They are the ways we were taught to disengage with our own bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits in order to follow regimes and routines dictated by external energies and forces.

At every turn, the false matrix taught us how to betray and reject our true minds and voices.

We were taught to overwrite our personal needs in order to build a collective lie that cost us our health, dreams, and ability to function on the fullness of who we are.

This weekend’s New Moon in Pisces is charging us to put one foot in front of another and run towards what it is that brings us true fulfillment. This dash requires a faith and hope so strong that all blocks to our accessing true love crumbles in its presence. It calls for a level of allegiance to self and our true voices, that causes all that fed the lies and distortions designed to keep us at war with self, to flea into nothingness.

The Full Moon in Virgo will be assisting us in eliminating energies and realities that steal from our life force, or put us out of alignment with what we need to stay in internal harmony with self. The New Moon in Pisces is helping us to bravely walk away from what will be coming up for deeper elimination.

It is another moon that is facilitating endings - as depicted by the 9 degree mark that has been recurring with every new moon since the start of the year. The number nine card in the tarot is The Hermit, and 9 degrees is an astrological energy of Sagittarius.

A lot of what was hidden but intuited is coming to the fore in these heavy transformation energies. What has been stealing from our resources and ability to be self-sufficient and abundant in all ways, is making itself known more blatantly.

The Virgo energy has been calling a lot of us to renegotiate our relationship to our health and bodies, as we build the foundation necessary to support grander expansion. The Piscean energy is rewarding us as we choose to sacrifice what caused internal division, and choose to get back on board with the path that our hearts are leading us down.

This Piscean energy allows for deep integration of what we’ve been working on emotionally in order to recalibrate our fields back into truth. All is birthed through the waters, and our emotional bodies are our “birth canals.” Whatever emotional resonance we hold is the charge that brings forth more of that reality.

If we live in fear, more fear inducing situations are be magnetised towards us. If we live in self-rejection, more betrayal cycles will seek to be made real through us. And if we live in loyalty and love to self, more circumstances that support us in our power are birthed.

The false matrix, and the Age of Pisces, schooled us in sacrificing ourselves for the false acceptance of others, and then we wondered why the fruit of these exchanges was rotten.

When we betray and reject self, we open the doors to suffering by way of bigger betrayal and rejection energies.

We are electromagnetic beings, and our emotional energies are feminine in nature… and therefore magnetic. In other words, we pull in experiences that correlate with what lives in our emotional fields - these are our conscious feelings, but even more so, they are our subconscious and unconscious emotional experiences that have established a frequency.

That frequency pulls in what matches it. As we choose to fearlessly overwrite all the ways we lived unconsciously and in self-sacrifice settings, we come back into an inner harmony that supports a truer frequency which attract more experiences that harmonise with our truth. This is why we are never to force anything.

This New Moon in Pisces is assisting us in going higher in our self-liberation. As we make the choice to be loyal and true to self, we start to pull in relationships and situations that magnify this energy. As we cultivate a new relationship with our health - in which we value it as being a prerequisite and foundation to anything else of worth and value - we unlock new ways for wealth to flow and grow monetarily and relationally.

This planet thrives when you do. This has always been the secret that they never wanted us to unlock. This Earth comes back into harmony by way of us coming into the fullness of harmonious union within self.

So, this window where the guidance has been coming in so strong about finding and honouring our own internal seasons, cycles, and rhythms, has been in preparation for all things being made new in this energy of harmonious union.

Tomorrow's New Moon in Pisces is taking us further into this reality, and with extra force.

We are travelling now further outside of the trauma loops and malevolent “ring magic” that once had us bound to deception and illusion.

We never had to reach for the stars. We just had to remember that we are them… and so much more. So, it’s time for us to stop reaching, and to simply start being. And as we do this, all that is magnetised by our truth will come to us with ease.


Join me on Saturday, March 1st, 2025 to delve into your Chiron story and what it means for your soul's mission.

In a small and intimate group setting, Solarah will dive into your chart, using tarot, astrology, numerology, and channeled messages to bring you your Chiron story. As we rise out of our positions as generational curse and cycle breakers, we become wisdom keepers and alchemists.

Chiron is the placement in your chart which helps you connect deeper with this story, and the information and guidance for how you rise into your true calling through the integration and alchemy of your greatest wounding across timelines and incarnations.

The world is going through a collective reset, as we first do so for self personally. The lessons for how to rise into our positions in this New Earth story are partially gleaned through Chiron.

BOOK HERE: https://ko-fi.com/s/c2dbcc53ca

Join me on Sunday, March 2nd, for this special group session where I bring you messages from your herb and plant allies.

I am qualified both in Western Herbal Medicine, and Naturopathic Nutrition. As such, the messages that come through plants for me touch on both the esoteric and the health properties that the herb seeks to assist you with.

This is a small and intimate group where you get to receive channeled wisdom, centered around the medicine and wisdom of plants for where you are on your own healing path. In addition, I will share how to work with the plant speaking to you, and the preparationsand rituals best suited in each instance.

Come with a notebook and an open mind, and let's explore the wisdom of some of our oldest ancestors together. I look forward to seeing you there.

BOOK HERE: https://ko-fi.com/s/92d0277c2e