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THROWBACK THURSDAY: On The Descent Of Mainstream Consciousness | Tea Time With Your Higher Self

THROWBACK THURSDAY: On The Descent Of Mainstream Consciousness | Tea Time With Your Higher Self
Image courtesy of canva.com

Thank you so much for being here.....I hope all is well in each of your worlds.

Please enjoy today's "Throwback Thursday." It is a piece that was written and published on January 29th of last year. As such, some of the astrological alignments don't match where we are now. And yet, there are many similarities in themes, especially with the strong Virgo elements we are currently dealing with because of the current nodal shifts, as well as the numerology of this year connecting us to the number nine card of the tarot: "The Hermit"....which is Virgo energy.

Similarly, Uranus has also just stationed to go direct today at the 23 degree mark of Taurus - an Aquarian degree. So, we are re-living a lot of simliar energetic themes with different twists and nuances because we are in a new year.

I hope this piece inspires and assists you in making your way through the energies of now, and in also recognising how far you'vecome in the past twelve months.

Sending you all love,

Image courtesy of canva.com

As we begin a new week, the Sun is in Aquarius, and the Moon is making Her monthly sojourn through Virgo - two signs that are here to teach us lessons on true emotional intelligence. It feels like a week where mainstream consciousness is about to take another hit.

In our persistence to heal and get back to our own seats of personal power and truth, the lies that upheld the matrix are coming undone. The illusions that upheld myths we once bought into collectively are unravelling rapidly. And the planets and luminaries of our solar system are so here for it.

Uranus is now officially direct, and we are being given the freedom to build our lives on the bedrock that promotes our intrinsic value as living beings. Uranus is one of the ruling planets of this new age and world. It is here to take us past staid boundaries produced by old fear stories, and to help us take a leap into the “great unknown” - knowing that we are ever secure in ourselves, for as long as we are living our truth.

This past Full Moon in Leo brought up a lot of old emotional energies that held the wounds of cycles we’ve repeated since the previous Golden Age. The history of these cycles was stored in the root, but activated through our Solar plexus, as we kept drawing in situations that matched the root foundations that were being stored in our energy fields.

As Uranus stations to go direct, it will be shaking up some of that energy even more, as it challenges us to confront the fears that have kept these stories alive, cycling, and grounded, in the core experiences we have been unconsciously manifesting for ourselves.

It feels like we are entering a period in which we are being taught how to live from our hearts without fear or trepidation. The more we confront the internal restrictions that inorganic fear stories have been feeding, to keep us from living from this place, the more the walls come down within, that have kept us bound out of our own power and truth.

The matrix was expert at making us believe we were living freely, but in truth, we were all given a few root stories or energies to create from. The outcomes were varied enough to appear as though we were all living on our own terms, but this wasn’t the case.

A good example of this - and where you can see it played out more clearly - is in the world of politics in so-called democracies. We were given the “illusion of choice,” so as to think we were contributing to the “democratic process.” The truth is that the candidates were chosen for us, and both sides are always playing together to accomplish their goal of dominance over “the masses.”

They let us believe we are part of building the governments which oversee the laws that protect imprison us, to keep their farce going. They purposely get us caught up in emotion al battles that were designed to distract, and have us direct our precious life force towards their cause. This is just one of their many energy harvesting tactics.

In the same way, we were all indoctrinated into various blueprint matrix realities, and it began with how we were taught to use our minds.

Your mind has the ability to create any reality, based upon your choosing to believe a story, and then further applying your mental and creative energy to it. Your emotional energy then brings that story into fruition in your life, by way of inspiring you (or discouraging you) into the action, or inaction, that will birth the material result of the story in your mind.

The schooling systems of the matrix taught us to limit the abilities of our own minds by causing us to learn information and then regurgitate it. If we did this to their satisfaction, we were rewarded. If we didn’t, we were shamed and shunned, in a myriad of ways - by school authorities, peers, and parents.

The point of this exercise was to get us believing in the stories they wanted us applying our mental energy to, and to also learn how to use our minds only in this fashion. This is the reason why they are removing more books out of the school systems presently - to get a further lock on how children use their mental energy so that they can be easily manipulated and controlled by more matrix agendas to control their consciousness.

While this seems like a control issue, born of the matrix struggling to keep its grips on the minds of our youth…it goes much deeper.

You know all that “junk DNA” that we don’t use, and how it’s said most people use less than 10% of their brain’s true capacity? Well, that is because the systems and traditions of the matrix have programmed us out of that ability to access the rest.

Our DNA expresses itself in response to the expansiveness of our own mental and emotional bodies. When we are taught to only use our minds to take in and regurgitate information, we close off our ability to use this mental and emotional energy to properly create. Our “imagination” is the bridge back to our ability to create “ex nihilo” - to bring something (new) out of nothing.

The matrix taught us to manifest off templates and energies it made available to us, which is not the same as being a conscious creator. This is why once people begin to realise their ability to “manifest,” they’re still largely building on matrix standards and templates of “success.”

Our minds can create whole new worlds and civilizations. And our DNA expresses and supports this creative action. If you don’t use it, you lose it. We have turned our own “God” DNA expression off by limiting the power of our own minds and hearts as conscious creators, and it is time to shift ourselves back into this position of authority and true authorship.

The “God” of the universe gifted us with the ability to experience ourselves as gods in the flesh. As such, all we ever needed to create a world of beauty resided within us - this is truly what “The Magician” card of the tarot shows us. We never needed anything from anyone outside of ourselves because we had the ability to create “ex nihilo.”

As such, we were able to love one another unconditionally - based upon who each person was individually, and how they chose to express their Godhood in our presence. We are love incarnate. We are here to love all, but not to love all unconditionally.

Unconditional love is reserved for those who are living in their devine truth, and are no longer motivated by fear and ego. These beings must still be loved - as they are still our mirrors and aspects of ourselves - but with the wisdom of boundaries as they find their way home to their truth.

As Uranus stationed to go direct this weekend, it opened a new chapter that is bringing an end to “group think,” and being controlled by group narratives. It is time to get back to love in itstrue and rightful expression.

The matrix programmed us to have this constant desire to be “accepted” by groups. And this was ultimately so we would be comfortable betraying self in order to feel included…which is another way we surrender our power and descend into another fear story.

The truth is that we are “better together,” for as long as we are seeking out one another from a place of heart purity, and not to further another ego story that keeps us attached to the matrix lie that we need external energies and help in order to survive.

We needed others to “survive” in the matrix. We don’t need others to thrive in a world where we are no longer imprisoned, and therefore have our full creative agency back.

Many Age of Aquarius stories and worlds are taking clearer form as we decide whether we will be the true authors over our minds, and the stories we allow for our consciousnesses to entertain. Or, will we allow external forces to dictate the templates upon which we continue to build the very fear narratives that have kept us locked out of our own power and full DNA expression?

We begin this week with the Sun in Aquarius, and the Moon in Virgo - the two signs of the zodiac that connect us back to higher forms of intelligence.

When we are open, Virgo teaches us how to find the information that aligns with our heart’s truth, encourages us to be true and honest to self, and admonishes us to follow the light of our own unique soul’s path without wavering. This is the the wisdom of “The Hermit.”

Aquarius teaches us how to then live from the heart space with intelligence - to have the wisdom to be ourselves and fully respect others, while not getting lost in the group or “group think” narratives designed to limit our potential.

Aquarius is the “water bearer” and “The Star” card in the tarot. Its energy is here to put us back into alignment with what nourishes us, and our ability to live in truth together. It is the last of the Air signs on the zodiac wheel, and carries in it the wisdom of the previous ten signs.

The water She pours back out is the heart wisdom attained by way of journeying through the other signs. It is the water that leads us into Pisces, where a full cycle of evolution can be completed - for as long as we have chosen to evolve by learning the lessons that bring us back again into our own hearts and Godhood.

And right now, Virgo and Aquarius are at work together as we enter a new week. The Moon in Virgo wants to show us the shadows we have around our own independence, and the Sun in Aquarius wants to highlight the beauty of the opportunities to come, once we align in the truth of all that we are as unique individuals.

As we take in this medicine, we put an end to any lingering ego attachments we have to matrix group energies and dynamics. We destroy the part of this programming that had us unable to express another aspect of our DNA.

In doing so, we add to the collapse and dismantling of the mainstream narratives that have poisoned the collective consciousness to keep us all locked in and cycling through varying fear states.

And Pluto is there leading the destruction and reconstruction brigades, cheering you on in your own dismantling and rebuilding process.

So, allow the energies of the week to bring you closer back into your own heart, and to help you establish the guidelines that support the true expression of your unique heart song and frequency. When you need an answer on how to advance, knock on the door of your own heart and ask your Higher Self to meet you their for tea.

Try to engage with external energies that reflect these tea times you have in the comfort of your own soul. These are the beings, situations, and information outside of you that bear confirmation to your truth. Let everything else fall away.
