THROWBACK THURSDAY: Busting Out Of The "Matrix Mirror Box" | Breaking The "Self-Destruct" Settings & Programs | 777

THROWBACK THURSDAY: Busting Out Of The "Matrix Mirror Box" | Breaking The "Self-Destruct" Settings & Programs | 777

This article was written last year on the 5th of February. We had just experienced the Full Moon in Leo a week and a half earlier, and were a couple of days out from the New Moon in Aquarius.

This year, the New Moon in Aquarius came first, and we are getting ready for the Full Moon in Leo next week.

The energies are similar because we live in cycles that repeat themselves thematically based upon the zodiac wheel. I hope you find some golden nuggets in here to help you alchemise the personal cycles you are going through now.

Sending you much love!

The energies of late have felt like a re-shuffling process. You know how when you put a music playlist into shuffle mode, it will play your songs in a new order? Well, since Pluto moved into Aquarius, Uranus went direct, and the Full Moon in Leo became the sandwich energy between these two planetary shifts….this is what many of us have been going through.

There is a new order that is becoming more materially real in our world, and many have been called into their recently amended playing positions. The intense purging and clearing of the past two weeks have been pulling many through densities that must collapse in order to stand securely in this new spot.

In this process, there has been much “timeline bleedthrough” that made it feel like we were re-entering a familiar loop, when these are the illusions we had to overcome in order to break free to another level. The emotions and thought processes that arise in these “timeline bleedthroughs” are real, but they are also just a “reel” of thought and feeling playbacks, which will come to the surface whenever we still need to shed very stubborn and dense matrix programming that has barred us access to our true power and devinity.

What we were seeing and feeling had already passed though, and we were being called to make peace with a higher reality, whilst swimming through the rubble of the “timeline bleedthroughs” we had to confront, in order to clear our landing for a truer state of alignment.

South Node energies that have led to us being stuck in loops, are becoming more obvious now - not only in other people, but also in the energetic environments we’ve become too comfortable in, and the internal mindsets and emotions that previously (and repetitively) set our internal programming into self-destruct/self-sabotage/self-rejection modes.

The Full Moon in Leo brought a lot of shit to the fore, to see what version of self we’re going to fight and stand for at this juncture - old matrix personas and false ID-entities, or who we know we truly are devinely, in spite of the “feedback” that was coming through to get us to resign to versions of self built upon foundations of matrix lies. These energies were tempting many to give up, and this “energy bumrush” play will often come out of the matrix handbook when we’re right on the edge of breakthrough.

So, be aware that many of the tough experiences and the thoughts and emotions that have been a reaction to these occurances, have been The Moon regurgitating those aspects of our stored emotional history, based upon trauma matrix timelines that have been needing to exit our minds, hearts, and bodies.

A lot of these stories were tied to narratives inherited from unhealthy mirroring in group dynamics, which have promoted our own self-betrayal and trauma matrix loops, across timelines and lifetimes. This was no small energy that many of you were clearing. It was what was necessary to get you back to the place where you may access your true devine blueprint and original source settings.

As we head closer to the New Moon on Friday, the heaviness and intensity may begin to shift. It is imperative that you keep choosing your true self, whenever these energies want to bring up stories that align with the distortions that had you stuck in matrix trauma loops.


Here’s a meditation prompt for you, if these energies have been doing a number on your perspective and perception:

Imagine you’re in a mirror box - like the ones at carnivals and fairs where you can’t tell what is a mirror and what is real. Harness enough light and sound energy to explode the box or room, and send the glass flying in your mind. As you walk out of the box, and into your freedom, proclaim: “I refuse to reject or give up on the rise of my true self!”

A meditation like this is best done on the move. Go for a walk or run, and as you pick up speed, envision the build up of light and sound in the box. When you’ve raised enough energy physically, emotionally, and mentally, watch the mirror prison explode.

Do this as few, or as many, times as it takes for you to feel a palpable break in the heaviness.

As we continue to ascend, it is imperative for us to re-member how to use and navigate our emotions to return us to our heart’s truth. If you feel it, it is always real - more real than what you see with your physical eyes. It may be bleeding through from another timeline, reality, or matrix replay loop, but your visceral expereince of it is real, and needs to be acknowledged by you as such.

And after that acknowledgment, it is time to weigh the evidence of the experience against who it is you have discovered that you are through your recent healing processes. If the feeling is trying to pull you into states of feeling down on yourself, it is an intruder that must not be believed, received, accepted, or made to feel comfortable in your mind and heart. It must be scrutinised for what it is still doing in your fields, and then ejected with haste.

The matrix is a grand magic mirror box, designed to fuck with your perception, magnify illusions, induce fears and traumas that aren’t real, and make you believe that you’ll never get out. However, you’ve always held the key to the one true exit - it is by remembering who the fuck you are, and refusing to bow down to any stories or narratives that try to delude you in your own mirror box experience.

So, shatter the fucking glass that wants to keep you stuck in fears that don’t really exist past the trickery and slights of hand that have convinced you otherwise.

It’s a new day….and there is less and less room and bandwidth in which these nefarious illusionists can hide. Furthermore, the half lives of their illusions and tricks are getting shorter and shorter by the matrix minutes.

So, give these old matrix programs a hand in bringing on their own timely self-destruction… refusing to fall back into any “self-destruct settings” they needed you to remain in to feed the strength of their illusions. Fuck up their mirror box! Bring down the walls of the illusions they tried to cage you in! And find the door out of here by refusing to be untrue again to your cosmological identity and reality.
