THROWBACK THURSDAY: When The Walls Come Tumbling Down

THROWBACK THURSDAY: When The Walls Come Tumbling Down
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Welcome to this week's "Throwback Thursday." This piece was originally written and published on January 25th, 2024, and I am happy to re-publish it here today. I hope it inspires and encourages many of you in what feels like the final leg of a crazy time.

It also seemed lie the perfect follow up to last night's poem written by Trudi Nicola. Check it out here if you missed it:

Sending you all much love and gratitude!

I keep seeing sevens in multiples. This is the Devine Mother speaking through the wisdom of Saturn. This is everything coming back into devine order…and it feels like walls are about to come crashing down.

The Book of Joshua in The Bible speakes about the Israelite’s plight to finally secure their new “promised land” having escaped their Egyptian slave masters 40 years earlier. In that time, they had lost their main leader - Moses - who had spearheaded their escape out of Egypt and over the Red Sea.

The Israelites wandered in the desert for forty years because, while they had escaped their bondage, they couldn’t let go of their victim stories and behaviours. The alchemising of these wounds and the restoration of their faith, was imperative for them to access the mindset of victory that would be necessary for them to secure their new lives.

It is said that the walls surrounding Jericho were impenetrable - a result of the design of the structure, and the guards that secured its access points to keep the Israelites out.

Led by Joshua - Moses’ replacement - the Israelites were instructed to walk around the walls of Jericho one time every day for six days. On the seventh day, they were to walk around the wall seven times with their Priests blowing Ram’s horn trumpets - a possible nod to the Aries energy that returns us to our sovereignty.

Joshua and his people did exactly what had been instructed, and the once impenetrable walls of Jericho came tumbling down….along with all the King’s horses all the King’s men, and the King himself. I know I added Humpty Dumpty into the conclusion there, but it came to mind….so I’m going with it.

This story - the Joshua one, and not so much the Humpty Dumpty one - has been coming through, as I see the double sevens on my path. However, I am being shown that the “walls” coming down are first the internal ones that once trapped fragments of our true selves in “cells” and “rooms.”

This is showing me two things. For one, I believe we’re about to get DNA activations like none we have yet to experience on this ascension so far. I believe these activations are going to free up our DNA that has been under energetic and chemical lock, due to the fuckery and shenanigans of the matrix.

These activations will liberate us out of the imprisonment programs that have been running from our internal biofields - to bring down the walls that have had us “broken” and fragmented, due to fear and trauma induced cycles.

To get what I mean by this would require that you comprehend that we have all been under MK-Ultra programming - all of us. For the majority, it has been astral and energetic programming of our minds and consciousnesses, but we have all been under this influence because it is part of how the matrix was run.

The people they tested on physically were but test subjects for what they were already doing energetically to us all. The beings they ritually abused in person, were also their method of grounding the rituals they were enacting collectively on many in the astral.

I went deeper into astral trauma and the grounding of these rituals in 2023 on my YouTube channel. Here’s the link to that reading. I am also inserting the full video below.

MK-Ultra mind control programming occurs by way of the splitting of the psyche through ritualised acts of purposeful trauma. In direct programming, subjects are put through rituals that are sometimes violent, oftentimes humiliating, and always shame and fear inducing. For many, this abuse can begin when in utero, and is continued upon birth.

The point is to have another person, or entity, control the mind of the victim through the connecting of the trauma rituals to certain subliminal commands and hypnotic gestures, that allow the victim’s mind to be accessed by their “master.” In this way, a certain song, word, picture, symbol etc. can put the victim into varying degrees of trance that allows for their “master” or “handler” to control their thought processes and decisions.

Those who have undergone this ritualised violence from conception onwards, have often had their psyches severely split in order to maximise the ability of their programmer(s) to produce various “alters.” The alters are where they embed the persona, or alter ego, that certain cues activate, so the victim can fall into that role or character.

Think of all the “celebrities” who share the “alter ego” persona they call forth before they perform. This has been accomplished through the illuminati based rituals they consent to for fame, and it requires the giving up of their consciousness to various handlers and programmers through shaming, violent, or sexual rituals.

Once these “handlers” and “masters” split the mind of their victims into various alter egos, they then summon in lower world entities to “secure the gates.” Meaning that the mind controlled victim is not able to voluntarily access those parts of their own mind, or bring their own mind back into wholeness. If they try, they are tortured in various ways by these entities.

This torture is psychological and spiritual in effect, and therefore mostly invisible. It is designed to trigger psychosis, so that those who aren’t aware that this evil can even exist, write the victim off as being “crazy.” This rejection, and the medicalised trauma that often coincides with it, further ritualises and enforces the trauma program that the victim is trying to escape from.

This is when many “celebrities” have “mental breakdowns,” and are sent to fancy rehab facilities that are fronts for MK-Ultra programmers - some of which are psychiatrists.

Like I said before, we have all been MK-Ultra programmed, but to varying degrees. This is because the design of the matrix - and the systems that supported it - were put into place to traumatise us enough to cause us to split our own psyches. Instead of grand trauma rituals, our experiences occur though the forced social dynamics and traditions we are forced to follow in order to “succeed.”

These minor events often work at shaming us into compliance with matrix narratives and “norms,” but in covert ways. So covert in fact, that most people will vehemently deny that they have been victimised and abused by these systems. It’s a collective “Stockholm Syndrome” effect where many will defend their oppressor, over seeking out the facts that offer them true liberation.

The more we betray our own hearts by allowing for these external energies to control the direction of our minds, the more we give access to these institutions and systems of the matrix to run our reality.

We were “punished” if we “defected,” by society as well as those who profess to love us, but are often under deeper matrix mind control spells. Our main programmers are family, teachers, bosses, and media, but the “Agent Smiths” trying to pull us back into the grips of the MK-Ultra based programming abound.

As we adhered to the matrix, we split our own psyches. This was further magnified by the build up of these energies/spells in our fields from other incarnations too. When we begin our journey back to wholeness, we learn to call all those parts and fragments of self back….but where are we actually calling them from?

Some think the energies returning are coming back from outside of us, or from another person. Because we’re holographic beings, I don’t think this is entirely correct. I have seen that - much like MK-Ultra victims - we get separated from self within our own fields by either “locking ourselves out” of rooms, or by having put aspects of self in different rooms, and giving those keys to external players - both entities and humans.

This ascension, we’ve been waking up and seeing that our “house” has been under siege. In the “war” and clean up, we have had to evict trespassers and get our keys and valuables back. We have had to keep these trespassers out by no longer succumbing to the mind control programs and behaviours which gave them access and permission to “squat” in our “homes” originally.

And now that we have recovered our minds and hearts back from the trauma of all the old cycles, it is time to bring those aspects of self into full “reunion.” In this event, we opt for our house to become an “open plan,” so that nothing can enter without us surveying it and knowing about its presence. We are bringing down those walls that separated us from self and real love, and building them up against the matrix - keeping it from returning to take the peace and sovereignty we had to fight to restore.

So, when the story of Joshua and the abundance of sevens keep showing up on my radar, I see why. The walls that have separated us from the “promised land” are falling. This “land of milk and honey” was always there for us to access, but we had to clear out the old stories connected to our woundedness, and find our way back to a mental and emotional space that supported our own victory.

We had to put our true psyches back together, by taking our minds and hearts back from the matrix, and the snares within that kept us blindly attached. Maybe this is why Humpty Dumpty was coming through, except we did put ourselves back together….and without any “aid” from their fake assistance programs.

And now that we have cleared so much density, the walls that need to come down - the walls that kept us out of full union with self and one another - can collapse completely.

And all the “King’s” horses, and all the “King’s” men…have crossed the line in the matrix time and space continuum, and they can’t place us under MK-Ultra mind control again.

We brought in the new twist needed to interrupt the looping of an old story. So, let them walls come tumbling down.

And before I end, I’m getting a call coming through from Pluto in Aquarius. She is inviting us all to a very swanky and INclusive matrix retirement shindig. She says to dress in whatever makes you feel good, but make sure to remember to bring your finest and most blinged out sledgehammer to the event. Hard hats will be made available for all.

And one more thing….She told me to tell you “one way or another….them walls will come tumbling down.”


Originally written and published by Solarah on Thursday, January 25th, 2024