SUNRISE SALUTATION #88 (Podcast Edition): Your Stalkers Are Not Your Supporters | On Fake Love, Secret Animosities, And Monitoring Spirits..This Full Moon In Aquarius Is Exposing And Flushing Them Out

What we are shown clearly under the influence of the Sun in Leo, but deny….will be one of the defining factors for how the “scales are reset” through Libra. Know thy self, and to thine own self (heart) be true…always.

What we are shown clearly under the influence of the Sun in Leo, but deny….will be one of the defining factors for how the “scales are reset” through Libra. Know thy self, and to thine own self (heart) be true…always.

Thank you for being here today, and a very warm welcome to my newest listeners and subscribers. I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am to have you here.

All my messages are inspired by my daily interactions with the Sun, and my experience of the collective energies, but they are timeless in their wisdom. This means that they can be returned to again for guidance, or listened to on a different day when the words feel more aligned with what you are experiencing personally.

Thank you for all your love and support. I hope you enjoy today’s “SUNRISE SALUTATION” in audio format.

Quick shoutout to Jacquie Verbal who wrote beautifully about this just last week, and who I cite in this today’s recording:

unsubscribed from Substack friends.
I saw something on the internet the other day asking the kids growing up who used to cry when they got mad how they were doing now as adults. At first, I laughed because that was a distant memory fro…

Your integrated shadow is your greatest protector. Righteous anger is activated to work like a shield, establish safe boundaries, and to break through the obstacles and creative blocks that others may purposely and continually place on your path to try and control your narrative. It is a powerful emotion - both for liberation and creation.

We’re going to talk all about this in this event, and you can also receive guidance on how to navigate the conflicted feelings you may have about healthily expressing your anger.