SUNRISE SALUTATION 159: As Emanations Of Source, We Have A Right To Live "Miraculously"

Today is the last 9-9 portal in the month of February. The Moon has just entered Aquarius, and the Sun is chilling at 7 degrees of Pisces. Mercury and Saturn are also meeting up at the 20 degree mark of Pisces....making today a day of choosing the endings that put us into higher states of devine order.
This is the Moon's first visit into the sign of Aquarius since the last new moon in the sign. Not for nothing, the New Moon in Aquarius did occur at 9 degrees too.
Nine is the number of the year - assisting us in letting go of the remnants and residues of our many narratives of powerlessness that we were conditioned and programmed into by the false matrix.
Nine is a number of collapse that is the precursor for Ten, which re-introduces us to the 1 and 0 binary code, that are the foundational numbers for all creation cycles.
Today, we are granted the opportunity to rise into the true devine order of Piscean wisdom. We are invited to utilise the power of our emotional bodies to expand out of tight mental constructs that once limited us into the very fear states which provoked self-sacrifice cycles.
The systems and constructs of the false matrix were designed to keep us limited and finite - allowing for us to dream, but using fear tactics to keep us from being able to actualise those dreams which were a match for our devine truths. To this extent, we would take bold steps in faith towards what we wanted, only to find ourselves facing these thick barriers of fear and doubt designed to push us back into the very places we had left behind.
It is not natural to doubt yourself or fear in the unknown if you are truly an infinite and multi-dimensional being. Your ability to create ex-nihilo - like Source - should protect you from going anywhere you don't want to go, or experiencing anything that would take you away from your devine order and truth.
Therefore, doubt and fear in this false matrix were the tools utilised to keep you in amnesia, and subservient to their programs and systems of control. For as long as you held tight to the illusions of your own powerlessness, you couldn't see how you always have the Source imbued power to find a way out for yourself - without the false interventions and supports they tried to make you believe were your only options.
We are entering a time on the Earth that these false matrix controllers and their cronies always feared. We are remembering that we were always in control of our destinies and paths, and taking back that power to create and re-create in accordance with our true devine templates and identities.
We are breaking through every illusory wall which once kept us limited and out of our power, and pulling down every curtain and veil that these nefarious wizards used to entrap our consciousnesses into subservience to their will. We are taking back authority over our devinity, and using it to free ourselves of the artificial constructs designed to make us perpetually fear and forget.
As we do this, we are reuniting with our Earth mastery codes - those Source creation codes that we can utilise to bring all things into being instantly, without the "time lag" that these fear based densities would impose upon our abilities. We are remembering the God aspects of self - activating the devine sparks which begin all things, and overcoming the illusory fears designed to keep us from materialising our God code on Earth.
The truth is that you didn't come here to suffer....and even the temporary bouts of suffering that your soul allows for you to experience to see that you are out of alignment with your devine truth, are not supposed to linger into the creation of whole cycles and timelines of suffering.
Source does not want us living under the weight of perpetual suffering and punishment for taking wrong turns. Source wants us to rise into our God power and choose to let go of all that would put us out of harmony with our love, peace and joy states. Punishing ourselves for taking wrong turns binds us to guilt, which perpetuates the proliferations of shame...which then blocks us out of our own sacral portal where we must enter to create and materialise devine interventions and solutions.
Shame is the lowest emotional state we can fall into, and its fruit is always self- rejection. And once we reject self, we are ultimately rejecting and separating ourselves from the Source power which is ever available for us to renew and repair all things...for as long as we're willing, we know we're deserving, and we remember how.
The false matrix wanted us perpetually afraid of making mistakes or taking wrong turns.. We were made to believe that God was punitive - always waiting to judge us, or send us to hell because we were such fallen and sinful creatures. In other spiritual systems, the law of karma was utilised to produce the same fear induced story of punishment always being around the corner for any misstep or human failing. And all these things were brought to life because we believed in these stories more than we believed in ourselves as true authors and finishers of our faith.
The truth is that our adherence to such philosophies is what brought in the punishing and suffering timelines we believed we had to undertake for "penance," and that others sought to enforce upon us because of their own lack of power. We are ultimately God over self, and we doomed ourselves into these states of suffering for the natural mistakes we made while trying to learn and remember who we are.
And this is not to say that the law of karma isn't real. It most certainly is. However its purpose and true methodology has been weaponised against us to keep us afraid of making a "wrong move."
Karma is simply a lesson that opens us up to suffering because we have moved away from our devine truth, and therefore Source. It is a tool to help us get on track - not damn us into timelines of penance and more suffering for making mistakes in our learning process.
Furthermore, the suffering karma opens us up to is not punitive in nature. It is simply the natural consequence that befalls us for abandoning self and Source. It is showing us we are moving away from all that sustains and protects us in our ability to stay connected and living in love. The reason we get stuck in karmic loops of suffering is because we get trapped in the feelings of guilt and shame, which then makes it difficult for us to forgive self, let go, and move on.
The truth is that we are able to go through karmic lessons instantly...without opening whole timelines and cycles of suffering, but this takes a level of self-love that is only possible to attain once we truly accept our God nature.
If you know that every mistake and misstep has an instant antidote that you have access to in order to restore your true alignment, would you move in such fear and trepidation of fucking up your timelines? I doubt it. This is because you know you are God over self, and therefore able to transmute what you've miscreated, and come back into instant alignment with your power, and therefore with Source. We only fall into perpetual karmic cycles and timelines because we agree with the religious philosophies that tell us we must suffer or pay for our humanness.
You have always been deciding what you deserve, and creating from the context of these philosophies. And because you were duped into believing you were a lowly, helpless, flawed, finite creation, instead of an extension of Source glory who is here to learn, transmute, adjust and keep it moving - those timelines of penance and struggle became appealing.
Today, we are granted the opportunity to rise into the true devine order of Piscean wisdom. We are invited to utilise the power of our emotional bodies to expand out of tight mental constructs that once limited us into the very fear states which provoked self-sacrifice cycles. We are being welcomed back into our Godhood and seat of conscious creation. This is the seat from which we utilise our resources to consistently create realities we love because they are in alignment with our soul's truth.
But to get there, we must relinquish the penance, suffering, and guilt laden philosophies that bind us to the fear of fucking up, and that keep us afraid of experiencing the fullness of our own humanity. We must accept our worthiness and deservedness for having access again to all that Source has given us and desires that we use and enjoy in reflection of their and our own God power.
Our codes for material mastery are activating rapidly now, and to utilise them we must move far beyond the mental programming which tried to label our natural God given states as being "impossible," "supernatural," or "miraculous." When we believe this, we forget that this is just who we are naturally...not something we have to acquire, or something that is far removed from our natural realities.
The miraculous is simply who you are and what you should be tapping into as a result. It is not some elusive, occasional experience predicated on anything other than what you have chosen to believe it to be. So choose to believe in your miraculousness and right to live miraculously. It is already who you are...not something to reach for.
Remember this.
Embrace this.
Live this.
In doing so, you are honouring the Source power from which you flow, and bringing Source wisdom and code back onto the Earth to stay.