SUNRISE SALUTATION 157: The Purification Process Taking Us Back Into Being Master Creators; Living By The Golden Rule

A lot that is unfolding right now is very dependent on timing and alignment. You may have been experiencing what you might have dismissed as setbacks in the past, but these interruptions have a different quality to them in feeling.....almost like you're not actually being blocked, but just being told to hang on for a minute.
There are a lot of timelines and possibilities that are running live right now. Innerstand and overstand that every possible expereince and outcome that you could ever go through already exists. Timelines are not something we have to wait on the minutes and hours of the clock to access. Rather, they are experiences which are available to us as we rise into the matching frequency that opens and sustains the possibility.
This is quite difficult to grasp, as we have been programmed to believe that achieving all "out of reach" goals, requires grit, hard work, and the building up of practices only made possible by the passage of time. This is only "true" because we've made it to be so.
The reality is that many of us are able to pull in any and all timelines and experiences in an instant. It is our devotion to the belief system that we can't - that we have to work hard and wait - which causes us to be unable to do this. And for those who have seen their power to shift into different timelines suddenly, it is sometimes difficult to sustain the levels of self-belief and unlimited thinking required to sustain those realities, or replicate them at will.
It is a new term for our galactic re-education. It is time to learn again how to be the masters of time and fate that we truly are when not programmed to believe otherwise.
A lot of what we are experiencing as "setbacks" right now are actually just timeline calibrations - events designed to get us to pay attention to our own thoughts and feelings; situations that are being shown to us more clearly so we can better hone into exactly how and why we are still creating realities we want to timeline jump away from.
And the fuckery still abounds. This is not me stating that the aberrations in the timelines we're in, versus the timelines that match our truth, are purely down to our inability to believe and know who we are. I am saying, however, that these scenarios - where fuckery abounds still - were also miscreated by us in previous timelines. And we are learning our way out again, as we hold firm to a higher and truer belief system, which reflects our cosmological truth....instead of the false matrix lies we believed in once that allowed the fuckery to enter in to begin with.
Each "setback" is challenging our faith in who we are and what we believe is truly possible for us. Are we going to let outsiders and external circumstances continue to dictate to us what our lives are able to be? Or, are we going to rail against every lie and deception designed to make us feel any less than our multi-dimensional and intergalactic truth?
Are we going to accept the distorted timelines as being emblems for what we deserve - based upon past mistakes and experiences, and what others have deemed we're deserving of? Or, are we going to rise into the truth of our power, and command for something better for self based solely on our own self-conviction...demonstrated and amplified in how we truly think and feel about ourselves, and not just what we want to egoically demand with our words?
Our material reality is always a reflection of our internal settings. The physical experiences we are living through are a result of pattern of beliefs we have held about ourselves and what we think we are worthy of receiving.
And this doesn't, in ANY way, discount the deep state programming and systemised trauma that was purposely utilised to pull us into these unconscious states of self-devaluation. However, this is me saying that it's time to really give a huge "fuck you" to all those programs which once succesfully took us all away from ourselves and our true devine natures.
It is time to not just think and dream BIGGER. It is time to match our internal worlds with the infinite grandness of who we actually are, and what we're capable of being and doing. It is time to literally "reach for the stars," and know that - as high frequency, multi-dimensional beings - doing so is both our birthright, and not actually a big deal when every star and planet is any case.
The false matrix wanted us directing our power externally, when everything you see on the outside is simply a reflection of what you hold in your power internally. In fact, everything external only exists by the power of your internal truth. The more you seek for God and help outside of self...the more powerless you feel, and the more you believe you have to wait on something outside of you to determine your true path.
Every "setback" presently is showing us how to "wait on devine timing," but only as a means of re-learning lessons on how to truly master time and space as creator beings and emanations of Source power.
We were created in the image of "God" to be as God in ALL ways. We have the power to create and destroy whole worlds, and we have been doing so unconsciously now for long enough.
Through this period of re-education, we are undoing the patterns born of our miseducation - learning how we have been, both directly and indirectly, responsible for the creation of our own personal realities as well as the collective truth.
This level of personal responsibility is actually what makes us the most God-like in action. It is not the power to command and destroy at will that makes us like "God." Rather, it is our ability to carry that power with a levely of mastery and integrity - where personal responsibility and accountability for everything we create and destroy by way of our consciousnesses - is the ultimate focus.
This is true sovereignty. This is true power. A power devoid of wounded ego and selfish ambition, because it is driven by a deep sense of personal responsibility for all that it creates, miscreates, and dsetroys.
Many of us are getting our devine power back, and it will not arrive in an instant because we've decided we are "chosen," and therefore entitled. Instead, it will return as we rise into the fullness of the personal responsibility and integrity that is necessary to wield such devine privilege.
This is what we forgot how to do.
This is how and why the false leaders of the old world were able to enact such violence against us and the planet, and we often went along with it in fear....because we forgot what true power actually looks like and what it requires.
True devine power requires such a high level of integrity and justice that we wield first in self before trying to cast judgment on others. True power is fully aware that there is not one thought or feeling that is entertained in our consciousness that doesn't have the power to create and destroy whole worlds, situations, and even other people's lives.
True integrity is not what we say and do in front of others. That is performance. True integrity comes from the thoughts and feelings we entertain, and the things we do in privacy that nobody else can see but us and Source. Those private thoughts and feelings are creating realities for us and others too. And this is why the level of integrity and self-discipline it takes to rise into the power of our true Godhood is not for the weak in spirit.
However, it is possible. And for many of us, we have been in this position on the Earth before, and we are receiving deep lessons on how to return to that place of pure integrity internally again.
So, let every perceived setback show you now where your own thoughts and feelings are, and what you're ultimately feeding your own consciousness into creating. And as you take more responsibility for what you choose to entertain about yourself and others internally, you will notice your timelines and realities shifting accordingly.
And this is not about perfection and having prisitne thoughts about everything and everyone. It is however, learning how to pull our focus from that which doesn't serve in the creation of true harmony in our own experiences and existences. It is about no longer giving energy to that which we are not desiring to recreate or add power to. It is letting go of every old story, and the belief patterns which kept those old timelines alive and cycling.
It is time for such a high level of self-discipline and authority, born from a desire to bring back true harmony into our own realities and experiences. It is time to direct our minds and hearts towards that which we desire to have more of, and to let go entirely of languishing in places that made our souls miserable.
This next level is not easy, but I bet it won't be harder than all the struggle faced because of our devotion to fabrications and distractions designed to divert our consciousness towards building realities we don't desire to stay in, or agendas for others who couldn't give a toss about our souls, and just want our attention and energy for the purpose of building their own selfish pursuits.
We are re-learning how to wield our God code with true authority. And from this re-education, we will re-member how to create timelines of personal and collective peace and wealth by doing the work internally first. We will stop giving our power and hope away to leaders, systems, institutions, and nations that were built upon the premise of destroying our humanity and devine potential.
This next season is going to show us where our hearts and loyalties truly lie. And only those who are in true alignment with their truth, and those who ultimately desire this, will be gifted back the full remembrance of how to walk this Earth again in the fullness of their Godhood.
So, know that if life and your path has been feeling especially unfair at times, or filled with setbacks which feel like they are taking you away from your desired goal...this may be why. You are going through a purification process, designed to help you obliterate the stories, thoughts, and feelings that will not serve you in the next chapter of your ascension. And this is not punitive, but restorative.
What this purification process requires from us is a level of devine love for self that has no choice but to be emanated towards others - not in what we say and do alone....but also in where we allow our minds to linger, and what we therefore are building with those thoughts.
As we commit to this level of commitment to buiding a new world externally, by tending to the ones we're first creating internally, the grids will expell the last of the corrupted timelines and residues of the false matrix. We will have remembered how to live with such a high level of internal integrity that our material realities will feel good and right and just to us too. We Would have re-instated the true golden ratio and golden laws that make this new Golden Age possible
This is how we make all things beautiful, harmonious, and golden again. It has always begun and ended with us.