SUNRISE SALUTATION 152: As The Sun Rises Again....

A lot is coming to the light right now. As the Sun begins Her period of waxing in the northern hemisphere, hope and momentum are growing too. As the Moon waxes into Her fullness for Monday's Full Moon in Cancer, we are being called to let go of our burdens of victimhood which have held us down and kept us stuck in our pain.
One of the most heinous parts of being abused is sometimes not the act, or acts, of violence alone. It is the secrecy and shame that follows.
It is the secondary re-traumatising born from having to bear the burden of another's sickness and monstrosity, as if it's your own. It's the having to sometimes watch your abuser do well in life, while you can't escape the torment of all they've callously dumped into your life and being. It is the denial of the time and space necessary to properly process the events....and all the destruction left behind in the aftermath.
Pain and grief unexpressed crystallises in the emotional body, and causes all manner of issues in how we live and experience life. For one thing, it will often grow the natural anger and resentment - that is a righteous response to being harmed and violated - into a seething rage, which also cannot be expressed.
The combination of this unexpressed pain, grief, and rage will increase shame and self-rejection, and can also grow into resentment, bitterness, and feeling fully hopeless and dejected in all ways. The continual holding of all these emotions causes stagnancy in the emotional field that, when matured, becomes all manner of illness - mental, emotional, and physical.
It is by no mistake that one of the major killers of our time is named after the zodiac sign which deals with our victimhood stories, and emotional programming born from our experiences. Cancer is the sign of the zodiac that takes us into the seabed of our emotional experiences, to heal from these traumas by getting to the root and foundational story where it all began before it crystallises into sickness.
The false matrix had us in intentional states of woundedness. We were constantly being hurt, abused, and traumatised, and not given the guidance or wisdom of how to process these micro traumas, and the larger ones....which are oftentimes emblematic of a build up over time of the smaller events and instances.
The false matrix needed us not to heal so that we would stay in perpetual and varying states of fragmentation and brokenness. The bullying culture of the old world was endemic at every level of society - in the family, the "educational" system, the work place, and in all community social hierarchical structures.
We were taught to become comfortable with either being bullies, or being bullied. This mode of being, was glamourised in all their media as if it was a "coming of age," and an initiatory privilege at various stages of life. Sibling rivalries, where certain children are constantly picked on and brutalised, was brushed off as a "phase" that children go through.
Children being made fun of for being different, or less athletically inclined, created a nerd culture in which Hollywood films and TV programs portray these acts of deep social rejection as the norm, and something to be laughed at. And the same children who are patted on the back and laughed at for their bullying ways, grow up to be adults that rule the world and rise into positions of prominence, because they've learned the art of stepping on others to get what they want.
Meanwhile, the ones they use as punching bags, struggle to heal from the cycles of abuse, and their lives are forever changed...while their abusers become Presidents, CEOs, celebrities, and the "go-getters" we are told we're supposed to look up to and emulate.
There is a reckoning that is occurring through this upcoming Full Moon in probably can feel it. The wrath of the DEvine Mother is rising into a crescendo as Mars also retrogrades through the sign.
The world is quite literally ablaze and falling apart at its seams, and we can always blame nature or politics, but the root of the issue lies in the gross imbalances and injustices that we have forced Mama Gaia to hold on to on our behalves for too long. She is spitting out the constant abuse, and refusing to hold the densities which belong to those who have denigrated her and others, to advance in man made systems designed to destroy Her children.
And as she spits out the responsibility of carrying burdens for miscreants and those of us who haven't properly risen into our true creatorhood, she invites us to do the same. It is time to give back what we've been carrying that isn't ours.
There is a very real reason why bullies were able to rise into the high ranks of the false matrix, whilst those they abused often languished. This is because all forms of bullying and abuse cause energy transferences which allow for some to eat of other people's good resources, while leaving them on empty and depleted. We call it narcississtic abuse, and it is what the false matrix was actually built upon.
When a person bullies and abuses another, it is because they are so depleted in what it is they see in their victim, that the only way they know to get access is by way of stealing it. Bullying and abuse is energy thievery. It steals another's confidence, joy, peace, stability, sense of self, and the opportunities that would be open for them if they weren't running on empty because their abusers are constantly stealing from them.
This is what is at the crux of "Destiny Swapping." Abusers and bullies build whole false personas and lives from the constant and consistent thievery of energy from others. This is why so many of these beings in "elite" circles literally participate in destiny swapping and energy harvesting rituals in which they sacrifice, sexually torment, or violate children.
This is because children are very rich resources of this energy. Their innocence makes them more open to give, and they also have higher reserves of joy, peace, and confidence. This is also why most bullies and abusers target those who tend to have more childlike dispositions.
Instead of protecting these precious souls, the false matrix dismisses them as being "stupid" or "naive." As if believeing in the inherent goodness of people is such a terrible trait to have. Instead of focusing on why we have created a world where we have perpetuated and condoned all manner of crimes against humanity, we blame victims for being too human.
The pendulum always swings back.
People who say karma isn't real, are often the ones seeking to escape the karmic consequences born from their own conscious choice to harm themselves and others without remorse. They are also the ones who push the "love-and-light-psy-op-forgiveness-agenda," instead of actually changing their behaviours to make themselves worthy and eligible of the forgiveness they feel so entitled to.
The tables are turning, and the pendulum is making its way back.
We are not here to hold the burdens of other beings miscreations, while they brazenly steal the resources we need to live fully in our own bodies and purposes. We are not here to give lower consciousness beings, who refuse to learn their true soul lessons, the opportunity to bypass that instruction, by giving them our hall passes and lunch money.
It is time to give them back the full weight of the burdens they have tried to impute upon us, and with interest for all the trouble caused, life missed, and sickness incurred. This is exactly what Mother Nature shows us to be right when she purges all that has reached saturation in her fields too.
One of the main reasons why abusers like their victims to keep their secret, is so that they can impute and transfer their guilt and shame onto the ones they violate. They are too weak to process and go through the pain of the consequences of what they've done, or allowed to be done to another, and so they transfer that added guilt to their victim. And for as long as their victims cooperate, they can pretend to themselves and the world that they are "innocent."
The whole fake justice system of the false matrix was not created to protect true innocence, but to keep the false mask of innocence in tact for some of the worst perpetrators and predators to get away with unconsciable acts of violence against fellow human beings.
All this hidden fuckery is coming to the head now. As the Nodes gets ready to move into Pisces and Virgo, the sanctity of real innocence is making its way back onto the planet again.
As we take back our power from all the bullying narratives we have been subject to, we are protecting our own innocence, and rising up to protect all that is innocent and under our care on this planet.
So, if you feel the intensity of emotions bubbling up presently - the grief, despair, rage, and guilt - know that this is why. There is a great purging happening on our planet, and it is happening so that we can return to our innocence and purity. It is happening so that all the monsters can be seen for their lack of humanity, and all of us who have been shamed for staying human can feel safe on this Earth again.
The Age of Aquarius is where we return the Earth to proper humane principles again - this is why Aquarians are the humanitarians of the zodiac.
You do your part by healing from all the ways you've been denigrated by the set ups of the false matrix, and choosing to embrace your innocence without rejecting it as naiveté, stupidity, or immaturity.
When Yeshua said "you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless you first become as a child," He was referring to the return of innocence that is necessary to enter into your DEvine contracts. He was speaking of the Piscean gateway that takes us there by way of remembering and mastering how to keep our own emotional bodies in balance and free from other people's shit. He was talking about the Leonine energy that reminds us to play and make contact with our heart's truest desires again.
Right now, everything feels chaotic and hopeless at times, but please know this is why. There is no birthing of what is beautiful, without the pain and mess of labour. There is no "balancing of the scales," without casting out that which was causing gross imbalance.
As the Sun waxes and rises again, a new day on Earth is coming into clearer focus. Beneath all the chaos, great hope and justice is rising.
So, let the ugliest parts of your story that you've been forced to keep secret come up and be kissed by the light of day, so that you can make peace with your soul, and your emotional body can come back to you in full. Know that all your New Earth timelines are birthed from this space of emotional clarity and truth.
Allow for the energies of now to purge you completely of anywhere the false matrix is still clinging to you for dear life. It's time for a new day and a new chapter. It's time for the Sun to rise again.
Wishing you a glorious and golden new age.
My sincerest apologies....I sent out the information for Sunday's group and totally neglected to put the link in the post! 🙃
Here it is:
I will send the full invite and post out again shortly too.