SUNRISE SALUTATION #103: Finding Our Way Back To Peace
Thank you for being here today, and a very warm welcome to my newest readers and subscribers. My heart is so full seeing all the ways that we’re growing together.
All my messages are inspired by my daily interactions with the Sun, and my experience of the collective energies, but the wisdom is timeless. This means that they can be returned to again for guidance, or listened to on a different day when the words feel more aligned with what you are experiencing personally.
Thank you for all your love and support. I hope you enjoy today’s “SUNRISE SALUTATION.”
As I arise this Monday morning, the atmosphere is heavy and threatening rain. I smell the impending fall of leaves in the dampness of the air. Change is here. And while this seasonal change is something we go through every year this time, this year it feels more pressing - like we’re not only changing seasons but also eras.
Today is the 9-9 portal, which for me, is a portal day that signifies liberation into the new chapter. The number nine denotes endings, as well as those journeys that we must embark upon alone. These are the experiences like being born, giving birth, and dying. People can support us in these transitions, but nobody can do it for us.
We have reached a point where if we try to return to what was, we will only be choosing destruction and suffering. However, the uncertainty of what is ahead makes it difficult to move forward with confidence. We feel the newness and unfamiliarity of the terrain we are being guided to come out and explore.
How do we begin to find our place when the old world is dying, and a new one has yet to be fully formed? What are the rules of engagement for what we are to do next and where we are going? Nobody has any real and definitive answers because these answers don’t yet exist materially.
We are all flying by the seat of our pants right now - tuning into our dusty and forgotten inner compasses, as we try to remember how we once navigated ourselves successfully through worlds where we were not limitied by the arbitrary rules of dictators, psychopaths, and control freaks.
Once upon a time, we had no worry about our tomorrows. We knew instinctively that we would always be provided for because this had been our learned experience. We knew little of lack because our resources weren’t tampered with, and we knew how to honour the seasons and cycles of our Devine Mother, which, in turn, produced for us a good harvest.
We were at peace with self, one another, and the Earth. We did not compete, and there was no room for lack consciousness and survival mentalities to thrive.
As the Sun enters Virgo today at 17 degrees, we are cementing in higher ways of caring for ourselves, one another and the Earth which sustains us. We are finding our way back to peace. We are remembering what it was to simply be….before this fake world, and all its promoters, hung nooses around our necks and turned us into performance junkies.
Mercury has just re-entered the sign too, and is chilling at the zero degree mark - opening a new doorway and portal into higher ways of being, and granting us the richness of its wisdom and information to remember how we did this before, and can therfore do it again.
Seventeen is an astrological degree of Leo with tarot associations to “The Star” card, which is Aquarius energy. Today is a day where the former and impending golden ages are coming together to transfer information and take notes. What is needed from the Age of Leo to properly materialise the new golden age is coming through the energy of today all the more.
That wisdom for how to exist devinely - with ourselves, one another, and the Earth - is being streamed through Mercury. Our cells are waking up and speaking to one another - remembering how our DNA once allowed for us to do greater things that ensured we would never be in lack.
Change is here, and it’s a whole new era…not just a season.
So, give yourself the room and grace you need to process all that is coming through today. The energies of now are designed to challenge us in every area of what we thought we knew life to be.. They are here to give us a totally new perspective on how to live and conduct ourselves one to another.
In light of this, there are huge heart, higher heart, and throat chakra activations occurring. These are helping us to be even more comfortable in expressing the whole truth of who we are, as well as more receptive and accepting of others on their own unique soul journeys and paths. These activations are helping to eliminate the comparison games that fuelled unnecessary judgment and criticism of ourselves and one another.
We are not here to comprehend every person, or make absolute sense of why they do what they do. We are here to enjoy one another, and to seek to live in the company of those who increase our joy and harmony. Once we stop picking ourselves apart wrongfully, we also stop doing this to others.
When we choose to be around people we actually like, respect and admire for who they are - and not just what they represent or can give to us - we don’t find ourselves putting our expectations onto them, trying to change them, or constantly seeking out their faults. Instead, we make it our business to discover everything about them that we deem to be beautiful.
What we put our attention into grows. When we are purposely and purposefully seeking for and calling out the beauty in others, we are helping them to grow in this beauty. When we are looking for everything wrong, and tearing people down with our judgments, we are growing them in shame.
The false matrix had us constantly picking self and one another apart - finding fault, instead of seeking out beauty. This is what ultimately took away our peace. The energies of today are here to offer the tonic and ticket to restoring it again…for as long as we’re open.
So, take the time to tune into your heart, and listen to where it is leading you, and what it is asking of you. It may defy the rules and logic you have lived your life in accordance with thus far, but, truth be told, those imposed guidelines had you living in a box….and it is time to bust out.
So, don’t be afraid to do something you’ve never done, dream a dream you’ve been told is “impossible.” Throw away the rules designed to limit your devinity, before you ever reject your higher mind, your higher heart and their wisdom again. Asé.
Wishing you a deeply soul aligned day!