SUNRISE SALUTATION #100: This Next Level Is Going To Require That You Anchor In "Heaven" By Casting Out "Hell" | Armageddon Is A War Won From Within

Thank you for being here today, and a very warm welcome to my newest readers and subscribers. My heart is so full seeing all the ways that we’re growing together.

All my messages are inspired by my daily interactions with the Sun, and my experience of the collective energies, but the wisdom is timeless. This means that they can be returned to again for guidance, or listened to on a different day when the words feel more aligned with what you are experiencing personally.

Thank you for all your love and support. I hope you enjoy today’s “SUNRISE SALUTATION.”

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As old foundations crumble, new ones are forming. It may feel like everything is falling apart, but this is what is needed to free up the new materials and resources necessary to build truer foundations.

As Pluto moved back into Capricorn, the old world bullying stories re-emerged. Innerstand and overstand that true alkhemy requires exposure. You cannot truly break out of a cycle until you face every energy and entity that opened it to begin with, and kept you stuck and circling.

What you must stare down and face is every thought that aligns with the narrative of the cycle, and not with your actual truth. What you must vanquish and overcome are all the emotional places you allow yourself to go to to seek comfort or avoidance, and that are what have kept you beholden to the pattern.

You did not come this far to perish, and you are not here to be on an endless wheel of suffering and fuckery. There is a way out and off the wheel, but it can only be accessed by way of dropping deep into your heart, wrestling with the beautiful and ugly truths locked in your soul, and putting to death the louder voices and stories that feel more true because they are familiar.

This is armageddon. This is the apocalyptic war so many speak about but miss the point of entirely.

It is a war that must be waged from within. The external manifestations are projections for what we need to tackle from within. The desire to win by doing things exclusively in the material will get us fucked and in the cycle again.

We are the rainbow bridge in all ways. We did not just come here to bring heaven back to Earth. We also came to escort hell out, and back into its true borders.

And this is what we’re facing presently. The lower consciousnesses and parasitic energies and entities that have been running the show invisibly, and using our consciousnesses to express their desires and agendas, are scrambling for minds and hearts to continue to manipulate so they might extend their stay.

This is why shadow work is imperative…especially now. When we know who we are, we know what thoughts and feelings are organically ours, versus those that have entered into our consciousnesses by way of manipulation, projection, deception, or sorcery.

When we own all aspects of who we are, these parasites and enitites can’t have a field day…..while our lives fall apart, and we live in perpetual cycles of suffering, none the wiser that our consciousnesses are under siege.

This next level is going to require that we anchor in heaven by casting out hell….that we return all these entities and energies to their rightful borders where they may live in the truth of who and what they actually are, and we may do so too.

You may be called to fast - whether its from food, social media or other forms of technology - and you should honour that call. As a spiritual practice, fasting is one of the most powerful tools we have for starving out these energies and entities that have built homes within our biofields, and transferred their desires and appetites onto us.

You may also want to increase communication with your guides and ancestors. Ask for help restoring your mind and heart back to their true devine settings - free and devoid of energies that would seek to run through your fields masquerading as you.

We pick up so much from listening to and being around other people. We formulate our opinions and views on what we were programmed into thinking, and then we build off of that program.

It is time to tear that base program apart and take a look at what it is we organically think and feel, without external influence and persuasion. It is only in this place that we are able to access and potentialise our true devine purpose on Earth again.

And once we re-align with who we are in truth, we have evicted hell and its timelines out of our realities too.

May today be a day where you feel so deeply anchored in you.


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