MOONRISE MUSINGS 6: Do You Re-Member Who You Were...Before They Caused You To Forget?

There is a lot of information streaming forth now as the mental prisons held together by many of the false matrix spells and programs disintegrate all the more. Yesterday's Full Moon in Gemini brought another blow to the deep layers of the mind control agendas that our consciousnesses had been enslaved by.
Unbeknownst to many of us on a conscious level, we have been continouously traumatised and split to make us more susceptible and suggestible to false matrix programming. This was all designed to keep us from re-membering who we actually are, to prevent our activating our ancient wisdom back here on the Earth.
You may find, in the coming days, that you are able to push past barriers in your own psyche which once held you back from accessing and accepting who you are cosmically. This is because the planet has ascended past the energetic thresholds which once supported and locked in certain spells and programs we were under personally and collectively.
This is partially thanks to the powerful Full Moon in Gemini, occurring at the same time that it's ruling planet, Mercury, stationed to go direct yesterday. This only served to boost the clearing of the mental body and mental planes. The collective consciousness itself can no longer be duped by the smokescreen-and-mirror-sleight-of-hand falsities which help the old matrix' deceptions alive.
It also is good to recollect that in its last retrograde period, Mercury stationed to go direct when the Sun was in Virgo - the other sign of the zodiac that it rules.
The mind barriers and mental prisons which were preventing us from accessing our infinite potential, have been utterly decimated. As the North Node pulls in tighter to the zero degree mark of Aries, we are all being given the opportunity to recover our true minds back from the wreckage of the mind control programs and agendas of the false matrix.
Once the nodes switch into Pisces and Virgo, a deep clearing of the emotional body will ensue, as we also integrate the new codes that are becoming more established in us and through us on the Earth.
These upgrades from yesterday's full moon are triggering the remembrance of South Node stories, as we clear the caches of even more timelines that will no longer have the ability to survive in the New Earth.
Make sure you are resting, hydrating, and supporting yourself through these rapid changes. Allow the planetary energies to sweep away what must go without resistance. Dive into who you are and your true stories, without holding back anymore, or doubting your own greatness.
As the December Solstice arrives, a very harrowing cycle of Mercurial lessons is closing out, while we also prepare for the additional Mercury medicine that will be coming forth once the South Node enters into Virgo.
Make sure you are honouring your own needs for replenishment at this time. Stay away from that which poisons on any level - mind, body and soul.
Sending you all love and gratitude for the beauty and power of who you actually are!