MOONRISE MUSING 3: When Everything That Has Fallen Apart Starts To Come Together Again
This year has been one for the books....and yesterday's 12-12 portal came in to usher a final closing to many of the timelines we have had to revisit this year to find resolution.
For those of you who read my 2024 Full Tarotstrology report know, 2024 was a year of clearing out the old stories we have been living through and repeating since the Age of Leo - the last golden era on the Earth.
As such, many of the old storylines that came up for us to see and process were from previous incarnations, even though they have been playing out again in this lifetime. Many of the players in these stories have had recurring roles in our realities across many incarnations on these Earth planes.
Many of these souls are the ones who we've been holding onto, while they also clung to us. These relationships have prevented us from rising into our destinies and true organic timelines over and over again, as we chose to sacrifice ourselves for the continuance of relational stories that were built on false foundations and sustained by misguided loyalties.
The themes as to why we held onto these beings and situations past expiration, have been re-surfacing. It never was really anything to do with the other people. They were but tools sent to reflect back to us where we needed to note the distortions in our own ways of thinking, feeling, believing, and doing. The issue was always an internal one, made real through our choices and decisions.
Yesterday's 12-12 portal was kind of an exam and report card moment all in one. There may have been old stories cropping up to test where you stood with the closing of these timelines in the lead up to yesterday. This week especially has been testy, as Mercury finishes its final travels for this retrograde period.
As the Moon reaches Her fullness on Sunday, Mercury will be preparing to go direct too. Those old stories that supported the distortions which fed karmic cycles and timelines, are being flushed out heavily through this lunation.
Those who have done the deep soul work of getting to the seedpoint of their false matrix story are ready to proceed now into these higher timelines of deeper balance and equilibrium. As we have fought to reinstate true balance within ourselves, so our external realities must now obey those shifts too.
Our new justice timelines are being born now.
What we had to fight through in Virgo and Libra season - in order to maintain our positions of sovereignty over our own timelines and truths - must now concede and give us back our rightful positions of authority over ourselves.
Things that once stood in our way of moving forward are now bending the knee and resuming their rightful place in our lives. We are entering into a time of replenishment and restitution...for as long as we have made ourselves truly open to receive, in accordance with our own perceived self-worth.
For now, rest is key. As the Moon continues to wax, and Mercury draws to the end of it's retrograde, we are still in a reflective wrapping up period.
There is no need to rush....what is coming now can't and won't miss you. Take your time to get anchored and comfortable to fully receive all that is unfolding for you. In your true timelines, you are always on time, when you're following the schedules that feel right to your soul.
So, lean in deeper to the rhythms that match your truth, and be ready for things to shift quickly as you do. You got yourself here, and nobody can take you out of your own driver's seat anymore....unless you willfully abandon your own ship. Just keep driving in your lane, and acclimatise yourself to what it feels like to live life fully on your own terms.