MOONRISE MUSING 24: It Is Time To Thrive

MOONRISE MUSING 24: It Is Time To Thrive
Image courtesy of

Everything is speeding up right now as we timeline jump into the realities that correlate with the most recent shuffles. In this window of time, many of us are being challenged to take leaps of faith towards the higher versions and expressions of self that we know to be the truth - not the false personas we've been unconsciously living behind in order to survive.

It is time to thrive.

There is a lot of back and forth energy....especially today. The only way I can describe it is kind of like when something is buffering, and it goes from moving along quickly to coming to a halt, only to pick up again in its downloading process again.

This is what the energy is feeling like something is buffering and causing intermittent disturbances and timeline bleedthroughs, which lasts for a few moments before the momentum of the true timeline begins to pick up speed again.

It is not a time to become fixated on the pauses and the interferences that this "buffering period" incites. The best thing to recognise - and maybe even say out loud - is that you are rapidly collapsing old timelines while establishing new ones. You are in transit - not yet where you will establish your new cycle, and not quite where you were planted in the previous one. Embrace this state of uncertainty.

It is time to thrive.

In order to leap far beyond your previous reality, you must endure the sensations arising from feeling like you're freefalling. You must remember what it feels like to fly again, and learn how to temper the fear born from believing you might crash and burn.

Once upon a time - before the false matrix had us pledging our devotion to its fear and lack narratives - we made decisions from moment to moment without a care about the things that consume our decision making processes now. We had no worry about being provided for, because we knew that for as long as we stayed in alignment with self and Source, we would be more than taken care of.

We are learning how to come back to this state....learning how to embrace the eternal love and care that is continually bestowed upon us by our Devine Mother and Father when we come home and drop the false matrix ID-entities and personas which rendered us orphans.

Deep union codes are being activated. They are bringing those of us who share the same soul signature back together again so that we may actively begin to build these New Earth timelines. But more importantly, these union codes are putting us back together on an individual level first.

Every schism that has taken us away from our truth is being highlighted now as we are given the opportunity to come into deeper cohesion with our own souls. And those who have ears to hear, eyes to see, and hearts that INNERstand are able to recognise those aspects of self they've been at war with for millenia, and are now able to reconcile with in peace.

We are learning deep lessons on how to relinquish the old world war templates which kept us defensive and protective, in order to open up again and let in what it is that satisfies the soul and draws us deeper into love. This is the wisdom and gift of the Devine Mother that we are learning how to receive again.

So support these rapid shifts in your reality by honouring what your spirit, mind, heart, and body are speaking. It is time to listen to what each aspect of you requires to stay in full harmony with self. No more ignoring the heart or the body for the dictates of the mind. No more detaching from the spirit to exist solely in the body.

It is time for all to come back into union....into wholeness and cohesion. It is time to thrive.

And this is quite an undertaking in learning and remembrance that we are embarking upon, as we rest deeper into the peace of our own souls while everything around us crumbles and collapses. However, it is in this deep internal resting state that the door to new and higher realities exists.

So, do not use your physical eyes to look to the left or the right to discern what is going on and where you should be. Use your inner eye to see the truth of what is truly going on, and how it is you are to maneuver yourself in the chaos to be true to your own soul and highest timelines.

The way home into our New Earth timelines requires that we enter through a specific portal that only our own souls can lead us into. So, let it. Relinquish control and allow for all to merge back into union and wholeness internally. Then you will begin to see how you've always been a creator and controller of your own external reality.

You just forgot how to drive....but you're getting your license back again. You're learning how to drive your light body where you desire for it to go, and docking it in realities that your soul desires to experience in bodily form.

Let it happen. Give yourself permission to be....permission to be who you truly are. Give yourself permission to thrive again.
