The lead up to this Full Moon in Leo is always emotionally intense. In my opinion, when the Moon is full or new in Leo, it can feel eclipse like.

The Moon reaching fullness in the sign powered by the Sun can cause a heightened amount of illumination that can feel jarring and emotionally overwhelming at times - like someone shining a flashlight on your face in the middle of the night while you're sleeping.

This Moon is bringing a close to a six month lunar cycle that began with the New Moon in Leo in August....which was a few days before the grand 888 portal. I invite you to cast your mind back to that lunation last summer, as many of those themes are returning, and certain story lines from that period are coming back around and closing out.

Leo is the sign of the zodiac that connects us to our ability to drive our own will, in accordance with the true and sacred desires of our hearts. In the false matrix, we were perpetually being manipulated into taking on other people's wills and desires for us. It began in childhood with a lot of parenting centring around breaking a child's will, as opposed to teaching them how to confidently stand in the power of their own true convictions.

This week, I have seen too many adults taking out their own insecurities and inner child wounding on children. It is an unspoken truth that many adults relish the ability to bully children as a means of seeking some kind of thwarted justice for the ways in which other adults bullied them when they were small. It is so common that we almost converse about it like a rite of passage.

So much of what we call parental or authoritative discipline, is simply adults on power trips seeking to appease their wounded egos through humiliating children.... because they know they have no recourse for the injustice. This is a common issue that Leo wisdom and medicine is actually here to help us all heal from.

Any child who has been consistently bullied, will always grow up to become a bully too - either to others, or to themselves. The children who grow to take on the mantle of being their own bully, are the ones whose solar plexuses have been tuned and set into the desires of their abusers.

This upcoming Full Moon in Leo is occuring at 24 degrees, which is Piscean. Two of the greatest signs for the recovery of innocence and the healing of the wounded inner child are Leo and Pisces. They are both deeply concerned with the illumination and healing of aberrations in the emotional body, born from childhood trauma that is specificially a result of misused authority.

Children learn how to "author" their own stories and wills, by how authority figures treat them. Too many of us have been systemically programmed to dim our own light, repress our true emotions, and stay silent on the things that have caused us deeep hurt...thus perpetuating the cycles of abusive dynamics which keep us stuck in loops of suffering.

There is a lot of repressed anger and resentment that is coming up right now, and it needs to be acknowledged, accepted, and loved into its proper place in the light....instead of being smushed down and hidden in the dark. So much of our genuine human responses to bad behaviour has been villainised. We have been bullied into silence and submission because the expression of our hurt is too much for those who have a hand in causing us pain.

Trauma itself is a natural part of our human experience to be innerstood for what it is. However, it is not something that is supposed to stay in our bodies. We are supposed to learn how to express and move through it. Abuse, on the other hand, promotes continual and senseless traumatising and re-traumatising, and then the silencing of that the trauma stays stuck and locked in their emotional fields without a means for escape.

This locked up, unexpressed trauma becomes resentment, bitterness, and anger if it does not have a safe way to be expressed. If - when expressed - victims are shamed, this only deepens the emotional scarring and toxic levels of shame that they must now burden alone. Their abusers refuse to face the shame that is rightfully theirs for having harmed another without remorse, and so they offload that shame onto their victims.

These bullying dynamics are coming to the light for us all to see more clearly - how we have been bullies and have also been bullied. We are being invited to take back our power and authority from these dynamics, and to also live our fully expressed truth.

People who love you want to see you untethered and free. Beings who seek to control you prefer to see you repressed and unexpressed. When you love yourself, you don't allow for another, or others, to police your emotional experience, or force you into repressive states. A lot of us did this, because so many are deeply uncomfortable with their true emotions...let alone seeing others express themselves rawly. In this way, we learned how to stay silent, or in pain, so that others would feel more comfortable in their denial.

Leo is Aquarius' sister sign. As such, it is also committed to our rising into the fullness of our authentic expressed truth. This new world is for those who aren't afraid to be the full spectrum of who they actually are. This new world is for those who are unafraid to wear their hearts on their sleeves. This new world is for those who refuse to be pushed into narratives where they have to play smaller to appease those who refuse to do the work of deep healing.

This new world is for those who tell it like it is, and are not afraid of losing everything and everyone before they ever silence or lose themselves. This new world is for those who desire to set their souls matter how uncomfortable it makes those who prefer to stay bound up and led by wounded ego.

This new world is for the bravest of souls, who have recovered the fullness of their sacred blueprint, and are unwilling to surrender it again in order to fit in or appease something outside of that purpose.

The false matrix loved to bully. It loved the bullies it elevated, and it loved how its perpetual bullying systems silenced and shamed those they targeted and victimised. As the Moon moves closer to its fullness, the feelings that have been a result of this bullying culture, and all of its fucked up systems, are coming to the fore.

It is only natural to resent what or who has repeatedly harmed you without remorse...or passed the buck for their failings onto you. It is right and it is human. However, it is time to free yourself of having to carry those burdens that should have never belonged to you in any case.

Allow the light of this full moon to touch you in places that you've been too afraid to go to...because you were shamed out of access. Allow the light of this full moon to show you what you've been repressing, and help you to see it for what it actually is.

Too many of us carry the burden of shame that actually belongs to another or others. Relinquish the need to carry these burdens anymore. See where you may have resentment, bitterness or anger for such mistreatment, and don't gaslight yourself into believing that the problem lies in your reaction or these emotions.

Instead, have compassion and empathy for all you were forced to hold and repress on another's behalf. Then relinquish any responsibility you feel to continue to keep up any facades where your truth is consistently dishonoured.

It's a new world and a new day. Everyone must heal to rise...or get off the boat. But one thing we're no longer doing is carrying along "stow aways" who want us to carry the emotional load that they don't want to lift a finger in seeing and transforming. What we're not doing is protecting bullies....or the bullying culture that celebrates them.

That behaviour has no place in any of our New Earth timelines. Not from us....and not from them either.