MOONRISE MUSING 22: Solar Plexus And Heart Attunements....Getting Ready For The Full Moon in Leo

MOONRISE MUSING 22: Solar Plexus And Heart Attunements....Getting Ready For The Full Moon in Leo

Hello beautiful souls!

I hope you're all doing well. Today's "MOONRISE MUSING" is a revised article I wrote on January 31st of last year.

I had bookmarked it to release around this time because the themes were so prevalent with what we are all still working through. I have updated it to reflect where we are now, but have kept the bones and original integrity of the article.

I'm sending you all love and many virtual hugs. Remember that whatever you may be traversing...your soul has the solution for. You are always safe following the guidance of your soul.

Have a lovely week!

If you’ve been rolling with me for a while, and joined me from my YouTube channels, then you know I often speak on these envy spells and programs that have been a part of the matrix’s agenda to keep us in lack and separation states - both within and with one another.

This upcoming Full Moon in Leo is bringing a lot of those energies to the fore as these stories have lived within our Solar Plexi - reactivating us unconsciously into self-sabotage cycles, or situations with beings who don’t truly want to see us rise into the fullness of our power.

For as long as we are living and believing stories about ourselves that don’t align with the greatness of our devine truth, we draw these stories, people, and situations that continue this narrative towards us. For those who have been especially wounded by these cycles and behaviours, this ascension has been a grand time of clearing these stories to get to the core issue.

For most of us, these cycles began in childhood with beings who were threatened by our light and power, and so sought for ways to dim our light, weaken our confidence, or avoid praising us in our accomplishments. This created an emotional story that continued to grow in adulthood.

The growth of this energy, when it is uninterrupted, produces cycles where we feel we cannot be centre stage in our own existence. Every time we try we either psyche ourselves out, or draw in beings that will do this for us, by decimating any confidence we have as we begin to build ourselves up again.

The reason that this occurs is because of the energetic emotional imprinting from this story that began in childhood. This results in the disruption of the true organic settings of our energy centres, and therefore misalignment of our electro magnetic fields.

So now instead of shining fully and calling back energies that help us to grow our shine, we begin to project the implanted stories of not being good enough, and draw in situations which further enforce this narrative.

This is especially prevalent in those of us who carry strong Leo or Fifth House energy, that wasn’t properly nurtured in childhood. Leo rules over the Heart and Solar Plexus - the energy centers that project who you are into the world, and then calls back to you energies that match this frequency and story.

Adults who lack true self-esteem and a sense confidence in their own power, are easily triggered by children who express themselves too freely. Because we have lived in a matrix designed to wound us as children, and keep us cycling in this arrested state, children who carry any sense of power, authority, or heart truth are often targeted by families and the various systems of the matrix.

The Leo energy is here to help us retain our child like innocence, and to help us heal when we lose it. People who carry a lot of inner child wounds that they don’t want to face, are triggered the most by this energy. And I say “energy,” because while those of us who have heavy Leo placements may express this more, we all express ourselves through Leo energy because all the signs live in and through us.

Our relationship to our parents when we are young holds this Leo energy. The way we connect to our own children and the younger generation is another expression of this energy. Our ability to connect with our inner child, and heal varoius aspects of our lost innocence, is Leo energy. The way we exert our confidence - or lack of confidence - in the world is down to our Leo energy.

Any way we are living, or learning to live, from the integrity of our heartspace is connected to Leo. Any way we are expressing our emotions - both the wounded and evolved aspects - are a reflection of the health of our Leo energy. And all the stories, narratives, and fear based behaviours we have picked up from the ways we’ve been denied this true heart expression…. are the wounds of Leo. And the memories are stored in the Solar Plexus.

As such, Full Moons in Leo bring a lot of these stories to our conscious awareness collectively for clearance. Those of you with heavy Leo and Fifth House placements may feel or notice it more, but this Moon is here to aid us all in bringing an end to the stories that have wrongfully programmed our hearts and solar plexi.

So, if you’re feeling corresponding emotions come up in this cycle, and you aren’t sure why, this may be the reason. We are all clearing the wounds of heartbreak born of the childhood stories where we were rejected in our power and truth - especially in group dynamics where that rejection may have felt even more magnified.

Be encouraged. The work of healing the remnants of childhood wounds and stories is exhausting, and can also seem to creep up on us without any notice. Know that when an energy or pattern returns, it doesn’t always mean that you haven’t broken the cycle. There just may be another layer of the story that wants to come undone for your acknowledgment and deeper purification.

It seems that many cycles are closing out in succession through this first round of moons in 2025. Don’t judge yourself too harshly. Witness the story being played before you in your interactions with others that bring up discomfort, and then ask your soul to show you why. It will answer. And in that answer you will find another set of keys to your liberation.

You will see what you need to heal, what you need to establish grander boundaries with, and where you’re also ready to dismantle walls that close you in more than they protect anymore.

You are evolving beautifully.