MOONRISE MUSING 18: Another Grand Collective Split As Those Who Are Ready To Embody Their True Godcode Rise
There has been another grand collective split through the Sun and Mercury in Capricorn transits, and this Wednesday's New Moon in Aquarius is getting ready to open us into the realities we have been faithfully applying our energy towards creating.
We are getting back to our true devine coding, and it is time for those who are ready to embody their true Godcode to rise.
Every one of us is a Source particle here to embody, magnify and establish that facet of God on the Earth planes. None of us are the same, but we're all a part and piece of an infinite puzzle from where all creation stems.
As "children of God," we are also God beings - able to create and destroy in exactly the same way as the Source energy we are derived from.
The false matrix wanted us disconnected from this truth, so that our solar energy and resources could be controlled and wielded by lower consciousness beings, who oftentimes elected to be disconnected from Source. Without that connection, they needed to feed off of those who still had that organic link.
This is why they created an energy harvesting matrix in which they could steal and siphon soul energy, while elevating into positions that they lacked the cosmological currency to obtain without thievery.
We are love based beings who were perpetually traumatised so that we would be programmed into fear and survival states for feeding. We lost the ability to remember who we actually were beneath the fog of the programs and false constructs of the matrix. Our consciousness was used against us to create dismal realities and hell loops, which kept us all in collective timelines of suffering and struggle.
However, the truth is that none of us came here for all of this. We did not come to work and slave for resources that were the gifts from the Devine for us simply showing up and being here.
Every one of us is a Source to embody, magnify and establish that facet of God on the Earth planes. That is all we came here to be and to do. And the better we are at being ourselves, the more protected and taken care of we are by our Father God and Mother Earth.
Right now, the masculine energy that has kept us all out of our true Source settings is being cleared out. The Earth is a femiNINE structure that requires for both mascuLINE (1) and femiNINE (9) energy to work together to maintain Her magnetism and seasons.
As we do this for Her, we do so for self and one another. It is this deep care and reverence for ourselves that enables us to truly do this for others and Mama Earth too.
There is a lot of collective anger being directed towards men at the moment, instead of being targeted at the systems, structures, and entities which built this false matrix to purposely distort both mascuLINE and femiNINE energy. One plus nine equals ten....which is the one and zero of binary code. We need to heal both our masculine and feminine energies if we are to ever rise back into true God particle expressions.
Many people are holding on to wounds and dying philosophies which have done nothing but keep them in the surivival mode necessary for harvesting. We are being given the opportunity to break out of victim consciousness into true creator hood again. In this place, there is nothing that can be thrown towards us in which we can't make our own solution.
When we are used to being in survival mode, we take on beliefs of powerlessness born from having legitimately being victimised. However, an abusers greatest tactic in keeping a victim in victimhood is by inundating them with stories of why they're hopeless, powerless, and therefore dependent.
An abusers absolute nightmare is when their victim breaks out of the webs of deceit that had them believing narratives about themselves designed to keep them captive. When a person wakes up to their true God like ability to create "ex-nihilo," nothing and nobody can hold them down ever again. Not a person. Not a circumstance. Not an entity. And not a system.
This latest collective split is separating those who still want to buy into stories of their own powerlessness, from the ones who are ready to rise into their Godhood and begin creating a new world from that stance.
Nothing and no one will ever hold you back again once you fully embody your Godhood. Nothing and no one.