MOONRISE MUSING 15: Jump Forward, Push Past, And Get Ready To Receive
In the past two days, there has been a break in the heaviness of the past few weeks, and a palpable shift in energy. February is getting ready to be a month when a lot that has been at a standstill suddenly begins moving again. We have three retrograde planets - Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars - stationing to go direct, as well as the nodes establishing themselves properly in Pisces and Virgo.
With next week's New Moon in Aquarius occurring at 9 degrees - the numerical value of the year - there is a new order that is being established and concretised now in real time.
You may find yourself alternating between being full of energy, and then needing to dial it down and retreat. Honour your body and listen to what it needs at every stage. We are all going through rapid upgrades and purgings still, and these energies will effect you in direct relation to who you are, your unique purpose, what you still need to clear, and what it is time to be woken up in you.
We are all going through these shifts collectively, and yet we are all responding in ways which are deeply personal and bespoke. Have the utmost patience with yourself and others - it's not easy letting old versions of ourselves die while embracing what it is we once thought to be impossible. Allow yourself the space and atmosphere you need in order to shed and be born again in peace.
Simultaneously, there are also a lot of timelines merging and collapsing, as new ones also materialise. The Akashics seem to also be going through an update, in reflection of the choices we have made in Capricorn season specifically.
This occurs every year this time, and those of you who are highly sensitive may pick up on it a lot more. You may be downloading more information about past lives - the stories and contracts you've been a part of that are now either ending or shifting. Or you may find yourself caught up in whirlwinds of emotion that seem to come out of nowhere. This is often indicative of your emotional body making contact with an old memory that you may or may not have conscious remembrance of, but your body still puts you through all the feelings of that time as if its playing out in the now.
A lot of us who are more susceptible to PTSD and CPTSD are able to do this proficiently, but most of the time we are unaware because we get lost in the feeling as if it is real.... instead of observing it and scanning it for the information that our souls are seeking to convey. People with heavy Cancer and Fourth House placements are especially tuned into this ability of tapping emotionally into a myriad of timelines.
If this is you, you may feel like Capricorn season took you through the emotional wringer. It was especially intense this year because it is time for entirely new contracts and timelines to be materialised. As such, the debris and remembrance of nullified contracts has been coming up very rapidly, and we have been charged to sort through those visceral experiences to find the blueprints for our new stories and timelines.
It feels like we can finally come up for air....just before everything begins to shift very rapidly again.
Right now, the best guidance I can give is to be and flow like water. We will need to embrace more flexible ways of being, in order to receive the beauty that is on the other side of shifting out of the familar and known.
We are all learning how to stay living in the present moment, and how to build again by way of dreaming. With the North Node in Pisces, this idea of building new visions and possibilities by way of dreaming is a prominent one. So, lean in and dream. Allow the wonderment of Piscean energy to lead you back to places your soul has always craved and yearned for, but you didn't know how to get back to. The roadmap will make itself known as you connect to the dream.
You are free now to think and dream big. You are free now to be the full expression of who you actually are. Allow the freeflowing nature of the present energy window to steer you through things which once made you uncomfortable. As you do, you will discover that everything you feared and ran away from, was actually an intitation and entry point into all you ever wanted.
Jump forward, push past, and get ready to receive.