MOONRISE MUSING 10: Tonight's Full Moon Is Bringing Us To A Tipping Point

Every month when the moon reaches Her fullness, we are granted an opportunity to clear our emotional bodies of any densities from previous cycles. From month to month, our lived experiences, and interactions with others, brings about challenges that are designed to help us elevate in our soul's truth.
And yet, we were never designed to hold on to and accumulate traumas because this is what causes blocks and stagnancies in our fields which eventually lead to illness and lower timelines. We came here to experience all things, but to also have the ability to alchemise with ease that which would stagnate us on our paths.
For all of us, that stagnation presents itself differently, and in accordance with our own unique soul lessons and personal evolution. Every full moon is an opportunity to flush our emotional bodies of the experiences that no longer resonate with where we are headed.
Cancer is the sign of the zodiac through which we learn to come into union with our emotional bodies....the water element of our existence. Our emotions are designed to help us move gracefully through our life experiences by providing us with the information we need to know what is right for us and what isn' any given turn.
It is through the sign of Cancer that we learn to connect our emotional bodies to our physical experiences, and feel our way through what it is we cannot see. Over ninety percent of what we experience is invisible, and all things that come into material form begins in the spiritual, mental, and emotional realms - the realms of invisibility.
Cancer shows us how to begin to navigate these invisible truths, by way of accepting what our emotions are speaking through our senses and physical bodies.
When our "waters" are clear, we are better able to connect to the messages our intuition is conveying to us about those invisible energies and forces which are more real in the atmosphere than what we see materially. Our physical bodies act as pendulums when our emotional bodies are in balance - able to pick up the slightest distortion in our fields that are a result of the many energies, forms, and timelines that can't be seen but deeply felt.
In this sense, it becomes more difficult for others to lie to us, or for things happening around or within our energy fields to escape our attention. This is so we are always able to make decisions which honour our ability to be true to self and our purpose, without being blindsighted by that which is at work but we cannot physically see.
This full moon is bringing to light a lot that was hidden. It is only when everything is brought to the light that we are able to make fair and wise judgments about how to move in life in ways that brings honour to why we are actually here.
In the false matrix, there were constant smokescreens, mirrors, diversions, projections, deflections, and deceptions designed to blind us so that we would make choices which didn't benefit us, but those seeking to use these subversive tactics to control our narratives. These beings were at a loss for how to be a true authority over their own story, and so they would highjack our right to true authorhood instead.
We are not here to become slaughtered lambs for those who do not know how to rise and walk into their own truth, without feeling like they need to control another or others. We did not come here to be sacrificed for someone else's need to stay stuck in deceptions that only serve the wounded ego. Those tactics are the Age of Pisces shadow energies that this full moon is devouring as the North Node ascends into the sign.
As the Moon reaches Her fullness shortly, she will soon come into cojunction also with Mars. It was prophesied that no stone would be left unturned...that everything would be seen for what it truly is in these the final days of the false matrix.
Allow what needs to be seen and acknowledged to come forward without fight or resistance. Let go of all that isn't of your New Earth timelines, and leave no room for self-deception, or the deception of others, to drag you out of your destined purpose.
Tonight's full moon is bringing in a huge tipping point, and all that is untrue and inauthentic will be sacrificed, so that the truth of who you are can properly rise again without distortion, distraction, or delay.