Member's Spotlight: Trudi Nicola

Member's Spotlight: Trudi Nicola

I'm super excited to share this piece from a member and Substack friend. For those of you who are joining me from Substack, you may remember that Trudi and I used to collaborate over there every Wednesday evening.

She is a beautiful, wise, and gifted poet, and it is such a pleasure and privilege to showcase her work now on this space too. Please find Trudi's bio and links below.


I close my eyes
The dust clears
A scene emerges
What once stood Tall and proud and haughty
Is naught
But a tumbling, crumbling ruin
I smell the acrid Scent of smoke
The fears and tears
Are palpable
Indescribable sorrow
Engulfs a landscape
Laid bare
I feel the pain
Of a generation
Who knew only gain
Who now learns to lose 
Yet the clues
Were always there
If they’d only dare
To close their eyes 
And see more clearly 

Hi, my name is Trudi Nicola and I am a lover of the written word in every form but especially poetry.  The poems I write flow quickly once I have connected to an idea, memory or spark of inspiration.  If my words resonate with you and you’d like to read more, please check out my publication on:

Here is a link to my Substack profile

And this one is my publication