I'm very excited to once again present Lumina's work to you all. She is a very gifted healer, who has helped me so much in recent months. She also led the group this past Sunday in a beautifully activating and aligning quantum journey.

In Lumina's words....
"I made this while I was still with my old group. It shows the gift of elevating from soul-fueled transmutation to embodying true Devine transcendence. We become the prism when we transmute what’s covered our true, original light, and return to the original spark of Source from which we were birthed. It’s my belief this is our form as the true IAM presence."

I think this piece is especialy fitting to share with you all today as this is exctly what this New Moon in Aquarius has opened the door to - our ability to embody the fullness of our true soul light and devine energy signature on the planet again.

A big thanks to Lumina for sharing her beauty and creativity with us all. Please find more informaton on who she is and how to work with her below.


“New Earth Seeker/Co-Creatress, seer, Devine (Earthly) Mother being, primordial elemental code weaver, and energy/grid worker.

I assist all beings who come with hearts ready to open and receive in expanding and reaching up into their true essence by learning how to detect, read, harness, and ground their energy to free themselves from “manifesting” through their temporary spark; in order to fully step into the gift of creation by communing with their eternal light, and harmoniously anchoring the fullness of WHO they are into Gaia, (re)igniting the purest, organic SOULvolution as part of the continued ascension process.

My sessions invoke soul/light restoration/amplification, original God-tone frequencies, and grid recalibration, through radical and intentional acceptance, love, and empowerment of all aspects, extensions, expressions, and experiences, of the self; fueled by Devine Creator Source, and supported by Mother Gaia.”

Contact me at for all inquiries.