MEMBER'S SPOTLIGHT: valiant/wamuoyo/waiyaki - untitled spell (the All, not the Amalgamation)

It is with great pleasure that I re-introduce you to Ra'it - a beautiful artist who also goes by the monikers valiant /wamuoyo/ waiyaki.

I first shared Ra'it's work over on Substack last summer, after they shared a spoken word piece in one of my group session. They moved everyone in that group space, and I asked for permission to publish the piece on Substack

I think Ra'it's work is an experience which requires for you to hear their words spoken audibly. As such, an audio version of this piece spoke by Ra'it is included below. Thank you so much to Ra'it for agreeing to participate.

I hope you enjoy their power and presence as much as I have.

If you would like your work to be spotlighted in the "Member's Spotlight" series, please email Solarah at

The poem reading the All not the Amalgamation for power and activation
Photo shared by Ra'it

An Intention-Note from the Maker:

this is a poem/decree by Ra'it, also called valiant / wamuoyo / waiyaki. it was inspired by their interactions with Solarah's decrees, and is intended to support you as you call your energy back from false & karmic structures – or Amalgamations, as the poem refers to them.

may it serve you, as it has served me!

untitled spell (the All, not the Amalgamation)

(for calling back ur energy)

For a while now, i have been loathe to use the word “family” to describe – this – what i can only, at best, refer to as a loose amalgamation of (relatives). it is to this amalgam- ation i wish to speak – stop it!

i disconnect, i divest, i disinherit-dissolve all my energy, attention, imagination, possibilities from this amalgam.

none of me belongs to this – for, i no longer consent to the terms;

i do not consent to the trauma terms, the trauma-tise, re-traumatise terms, the terms of trauma, the fear- shame- guilt-terms and stories, beliefs, thought-patterns and realities; i do not consent to the dis-connection terms, the mal-connection, mal-communication, mal-communion terms, the cutting-off-self, cutting of/of selves, cutting of others terms, the disconnected from the land the people the care the struggle for dignity in life terms;

me, i am (with the) One; me, i am (of) the ways of life,

the ways of following the truth the being the light of myself; the ways of building these selves, and those selves building themselves; the ways of space and peace for all, for all, and me i am part of the All.

written on: the full moon in cap’ Fri 21/6/24 15.24

More About the Maker, and How to Reach Them:

a picture of the Maker; they are a dark-skinned individual, wearing a striped blue dress, and a black-and-purple beaded necklace. they are looking off to the right side of the frame.

valiant / waiyaki / wamuoyo, also known as Ra'it, is a being of many names, many faces, many talents, many realities: a being constantly in motion and trans*formation. they are, variously: a writer, scholar, poet, actor, healer, and communion-holder. they are travelling across the African continent, while seeking out & investing in a sense of home and beauty. you can stay abreast with their adventures on Instagram (@valiantorwaiyakiorwamuoyo), where they will occasionally make updates. they make other performances, zines, talismans, and art experiences, and you can reach them via email ( to find out more and work with them & their crafts.

If you would like your work to be spotlighted in the "Member's Spotlight" series, please email Solarah at