Let's Talk About How People Pleasing Affects Your Energy Field

Let's Talk About How People Pleasing Affects Your Energy Field

I am posting some slides I created a few years ago for educational purposes. Many of us who have endured varying forms of abuse, learned how to fawn and play small as a default response to those who have felt challenged by our energy.

It was not too different than the survivalist response many animals have in the presence of a predator from whom they can't escape. Many will play dead in efforts to divert attention from their hunters, and cause them to look elsewhere for food.

In the predatory enviroments many of us were blindly a part of, we were unconsciously doing the same - "playing dead" to keep from being eaten alive...in a figurative sense.

This year is calling us all into the highest expressions of our power yet, and we are no longer tolerating people or spaces where we have to shrink ourselves or play small.

As the moon begins Her waxing period, she is moving towards ripening in full in the sign of Leo. There are also very strong Piscean themes at play, as the North Node minted its position in the sign earlier this week.

Leo and Pisces are the two key signs of the zodiac that help us to heal and recover the voice and guidance of the inner child. Pisces is the gateway back to our innocence, and Leo opens our hearts to begin the journey to those gates.

As such, there are a lot of activations in the throat, heart, and solar plexus that take place through Leo. And Pisces facilitates this by way of activating the third eye and the emotional fields to receive.

One of the main symptoms of a blocked throat or solar plexus is the fawning or people pleasing response. And since these are big themes of now for all of us, I wanted to resurrect these slides for further explanation.

I hope they help to enlighten, heal, and activate you even more.

Much love,