FINDING A CLEAR PATH OUT: Soul Lessons From "The Hermit" Card
Happy New Moon in Capricorn to you! I hope you all have had an opportunity to rest and recharge in the past few days, as 2024 draws to a close. Next week will see me returning back to proper scheduling, and Daily ALKHEMY will be back in your inbox starting Wednesday. In the meantime, I wanted to share this piece ahead of Monday's New Moon in Capricorn.
As many of you are probably aware, 2025 is a number nine year (2+0+2+5=9). The number nine is connected to "The Hermit" card in the tarot, which is Virgoan energy. We are closing out 2024 in the same way we began - with a New Moon in Capricorn. This New Moon is taking us out of the number eight theme and into the themes of nine.
In February, we will also see the South Node entering into Virgo. We are all being prepared to take ownership of our power, and higher levels of responsibility in how we wield it....courtesy of the Virgoan underpinning themes of the new year.
So, I hope you enjoy this piece - which was first published on the day of the New Moon in Capricorn in January of this year. I have updated some of the internal information to reflect where we are presently. Mayyou be reminded of how far you've come, and the infallible nature of your power.
Love you guys! Happy New Moon!
Do you know that there is no situation, circumstance or obstacle that you don’t already hold the answer for, and solution to? That’s how powerful you actually are.
Do you know that there is no external block that you can’t find your way out of internally? That’s how powerful you actually are.
We have been taught to look for all of our answers outside of us, and this is what ultimately leads us to losing the true power and authrority we have over all things concerning our own path and purpose.
This is what healing and the ascension path has been about - helping us find our way back home to self. This is where our true seat of power has always resided.
In the tarot, The Hermit is the card that brings us into self-liberation. In order to get to The Wheel Of Fortune - where we receive the gifts of Jupiter and can begin to learn our lessons dharmically - we must go through the path of The Hermit. And there’s a very real reason why.
The Hermit shows us how to take the light of our soul - that we’ve recovered by way of following our own intuition - and use it to break all the way free into living in accordance with our soul’s truth.
When we choose to begin to tap into our own intuition for self, we are opening the door into the reserves of our soul. Within these reserves, lie all the answers we have ever needed, and will ever need, to thrive.
And every time we choose to trust the inner guidance of our soul, we gain the protections that universal and cosmological laws uphold. We lose these protections every time we betray self, or give away our authority over self to an other, or others outside of self. And this is why and how we then open the door to suffering.
“Karma” is not a punishment, but a lesson we learn by suffering only because we are out of alignemnt with our truth, and, by proxy, the universal laws that protect us for as long as we’re living in true integrity.
“Karma,” or lessons learned by suffering, are inflicted upon us by our own souls in order to get us back on the dharmic track. Nothing more. Nothing less. It is how we are held accountable for when we do things that violate self, others, and the Earth which sustains us.
Everything in this world didn’t want us in alignment with self, because when we are living in true devine order, there are no hierarchical systems that can benefit a few, while harming others. Devine order is where true equality, equilibrium, and equity have always lived
Which brings me back to the message…..there is no problem or obstacle that your own soul doesn’t have the solution for and answer to.
Every block we face is a result of the myriad of times and ways we have betrayed our own internal compass to follow something, or someone, that has claimed to know better about us than ourselves. That’s a grave insult to our own souls, and it causes us to lose ourselves.
As we begin to make self-honouring decisions, we re-establish the trust we have lost due to the many cycles and decisions rooted in self-betrayal and self-rejection. We begin to make restitution with our souls.
The more we learn to trust that we are safe in our own hands, the more we come into alignment with our truth, and the clearer the light becomes that leads us back into dharma. This is why The Hermit card is about going within to find the answers that get us onto the Wheel of Fortune.
As our trust with self is re-established, we begin to grow in our confidence when it comes to following our soul’s wisdom…..or what we call intuition. We have always been our own oracle, and nobody has clearer and more definitive answers for our soul’s purpose than we do.
Others can guide us, but they do us no favours if they are not pointing us deeper into re-connecting with our own soul’s wisdom by helping us re-member who we are, and how our energy fields work.
So, before you go running around asking for solutions from everyone and anyone - have you asked yourself? Has that even been a real and viable option for you? Do you trust that you’ve alway held all the answers you need for you? And if not…then why not?
My Guides once said to me: “there is no situation you got yourself stuck in when you were living unconsciously, that you can’t find you way out of once you awaken and tap into your true power consciously.”
For the past few years, I have been working to escape a situation with my children that I wrongfully got myself back into because I trusted people who claimed to love us. Three years ago, I grew tired of trusting these beings over myself, and I cried out to my soul for help.
In that cry came an answer. Ancient friends from other dimensions and timelines began to show up in my reality as guides to help me re-member who I actually AM…..and have always been. These were the multi-dimensional aspects of self that have always resided in my soul, but who I barely had given the “time of day to” because I had been too busy looking for guidance outside of myself.
They told me to put away all books….which is hard when you’re a bookworm AND a Virgo Ascendant. But I was fed up enough to finally listen. This was not the first time my Guides had spoken, but it may have been the first time I was in a full state of surrender, and ready to listen.
And I followed the instructions and my gut with much trepidation - at times choosing what I wanted to hear. And they never left me or scolded me. However, the answers I sought would not come when I chose to resort ro selective hearing. They would only arrive as I surrendered into deeper levels of self-trust.
I have come really far since that October night in 2020 when I cried in a bath that I was tired of being trapped in all the covert cycles of family abuse, that I hadn’t been seeing….because I wasn’t truly seeing myself.
And now, I find myself at what feels like it is the final threshold - the opportunity to finally leave.
I have chiseled away at the blocks by simply following and trusting my own intuition, and I have made it to the proverbial fence at the edge of all I have escaped and left behind.
And this is the point - if my life were a movie - where I wait with my children at the fence, and hope for a car to come that takes us deeper into our salvation. And in that car…..I will find myself driving.
I recently cried out to my soul again, and I asked how to find a clear way out. And the answer came in with more clarity than ever before - seek for the solution within. And once upon a time, that answer would have frustrated me to no end, but it hit me differently this time around.
Every single circumstance and possible decision we could make in response, has already been recorded and taken into consideration. It is only in this world that we live bound by time and space, but our souls have never been tethered.
In this way, every provision for every timeline and possibility already exists within us….even if it has never played out materially. That is how powerful we are. And as such, we have the soultion for every and any dilemma we can find ourselves in….we just have to ask, trust, and then follow through.
Today - on the last New Moon of 2024, and the final portal day of the year - I want you to know that there is a clear path that has already been made for you. This path will take you out of every situation and block you believed was impossible…because it was your own mind that made it out to be so.
And this doesn’t negate the realness of the circumstances we find ourselves in, and all we go through as a result. However, it does give us the power and authority back over our own paths when we realise it has been us creating these situations unconsciously the whole time.
And as my guides like to remind me when I feel stuck, and have forgotten who I actually am : ““there is no situation you got yourself stuck in when you were living unconsciously, that you can’t find your way out of, once you awaken and tap into your true power consciously.”
It is then I can re-direct my focus from pitfalls of self-doubt - that can only produce more events to confirm these thoughts - towards my infinite potential to create a way where there may seem to be none. And I know this to be true because I have lived it, and am still living it.
The clear path out of any block impeding your way forward is provided by you. Your soul holds the answers and solutions to any and every possibility you have and can ever encounter. That’s how powerful you are….and have always been.
Originally published on January 11th, 2024