Join me today - Saturday, March 1st, 2025 - to delve into your Chiron story and what it means for your soul's mission.

In a small and intimate group setting, I will dive into your chart, using tarot, astrology, numerology, and channeled messages to bring you your Chiron story. As we rise out of our positions as generational curse and cycle breakers, we become wisdom keepers and alchemists.

Chiron is the placement in your chart which helps you connect deeper with this story, and the information and guidance for how you rise into your true calling through the integration and alchemy of your greatest wounding across timelines and incarnations.

The world is going through a collective reset, as we first do so for self personally. The lessons for how to rise into our positions in this New Earth story are partially gleaned through Chiron.

Please make sure to show up to group grounded and well hydrated, and please remember to email Solarah your time, date, and location of birth prior to the meeting at solarahspeaks@proton.me

Your birth chart information will always be kept private from the group, with only necessary details spoken on that relate to the session at hand.

BOOK HERE: https://ko-fi.com/s/c2dbcc53ca