My sincerest apologies to Ra’it - I accidentally published the wrong audio file for their offering earlier. I have updated this on the site, but also wanted to email out the proper recording.

Please enjoy Ra’it reading their work: “the All, not the Amalgamation“

The poem reading the All not the Amalgamation for power and activation

More About the Maker, and How to Reach Them:

a picture of the Maker; they are a dark-skinned individual, wearing a striped blue dress, and a black-and-purple beaded necklace. they are looking off to the right side of the frame.

valiant / waiyaki / wamuoyo, also known as Ra'it, is a being of many names, many faces, many talents, many realities: a being constantly in motion and trans*formation. they are, variously: a writer, scholar, poet, actor, healer, and communion-holder. they are travelling across the African continent, while seeking out & investing in a sense of home and beauty. you can stay abreast with their adventures on Instagram (@valiantorwaiyakiorwamuoyo), where they will occasionally make updates. they make other performances, zines, talismans, and art experiences, and you can reach them via email ( to find out more and work with them & their crafts.

If you would like your work to be spotlighted in the "Member's Spotlight" series, please email Solarah at